Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Gen 15:1 After these things the word of the LORD came unto
Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I[am]
thy shield, [and] thy exceeding great reward.

Vision -
Hebrew for 04236
machazeh {makh-az-eh'}
1) vision (in the ecstatic state)

Num 24:4 He hath said, which heard the words of God,
which saw the vision of the Almighty, falling [into a trance],
but having his eyes open:

Num 24:16 He hath said, which heard the words of God,
and knew the knowledge of the most High, [which] saw
the vision of the Almighty, falling [into a trance], but
having his eyes open:

Act 10:10 And he became very hungry, and would have
eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

Hebrew for 04043
magen{maw-gane'} (in fl. fem.) m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'}
AV - shield 48, buckler 9, armed 2, defence 2, rulers 1,
scales + 0650 1; 63

Shield/ of armor, was an essential garment
when at war. Shield and breastplate develops into cascading
metaphors of grace, finally coming to represent our FAITH.

Eph 6:16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye
shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

A shield protects from blows from an opposing swords:

Psa 3:3 But thou, O LORD, [art] a shield for me; my glory,
and the lifter up of mine head.

Psa 5:12 For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with
favour wilt thou compass him as [with] a shield.

Psa 18:35 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation:
and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath
made me great.

Psa 28:7 The LORD [is] my strength and my shield; my heart
trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly
rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

trust: his truth [shall be thy] shield and buckler.

Psa 115:9 O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he [is] their
help and their shield.

Gen 15:2 And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me,
seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house [is]
this Eliezer of Damascus?

FINALLY! Abram asks the LORD, plainly:
"How am I blessed if I am cursed with being
childless?" Children were the blessing in
this antideluvian land, more than today.

I married a non-believer, and we were cursed by
not being able to get pregnant. As much as I love
and fear God, I never prayed to him for a child,
thinking that I deserved the curse for marrying
someone who was outside the fold of faith in Christ.

I never asked God whether I should marry this
man. I ignored any signs. After this, I didn't think
I could ask him for a child.

I think Sarai may have felt cursed for marrying her
half-brother, even though that wasn't uncommon.
I live in an era where women's roles are expanded
beyond plain domesticity. I had a career, but, the
feeling of sorrow for not having children, was matched
by believing I was unworthy. I kept rearranging my
life around childless women, younger people,
so I wouldn't have to deal with it.

If I felt like that, in a modern era, what must
Sarai felt? A woman's importance was connected
to childbearing.

It's odd how when we need intercession the most,
we are often blocked. When things aren't going well,
instead of clinging to God more, my tendency was
to back away even more, feeling like God was angry
with me, and that I didn't deserve much consideration.

How do we entreat the LORD? Our prayers are
represented, the same way as the LORD's presence,
in the Old Testament, in a manifestation of smoke.
How can something intangible have a physical presence?
God came down in smoke, and we go up in smoke.
Our prayers are represented as real smoke that
appears visibly to the LORD.

This spectacular encounter Abraham had with The LORD
follows Abraham being blessed by Melchizedek, King
of Salem, in 14:14, when the Kings of Sodom and
Gomorrah were defeated, and when Abraham
bravely risks his life to save Lot and his family.

Gen 15:3 And Abram said, Behold, to me thou hast given no seed:
and, lo, one born in my house is mine heir.

Gen 15:4 And, behold, the word of the LORD [came] unto
him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but
he that shall come forth out of thine own
bowels shall be thine heir.

I didn't have a baby, but, my childlessness saved
my brother Louis' life when he became ill with
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, and needed a
Bone Marrow Transplant. As his only sibling, and
a female, if I had children, there would have been
harmful antibodies, that may have killed him. I
wouldn't trade my brother's life for ten nurseries
of babies. His life is precious to me, and obviously
to the LORD who mediated this miracle in our lives.

In Sarah's case, the LORD not only came through,
but, blesses her above other women. Even though
the princess of the tribe, she must have felt cursed
and not worthy. Yet, she had a faith in God. She
also had a beautiful soul mate in Abraham.

I love their love story.

Sarah was the first female saint. It was through her,
and then Mary, who the Messiah came through.

When she becomes a living miracle, her name
will change from "Sarai" (Princess) to "Sarah"
(Mother of all.)

An important lesson, though, is how sure she
was that the LORD meant things figuratively,
and in limiting his power, she inadvertently
causes a rift in brothers, that affects us today.

In willfulness, not faith, did Sarah allow
Abraham to have sexual relations with her
young handservant, Hagar. After the surrogate
mother bares Abraham's firstborn son, it's not
hard to imagine how deeply Abraham loved

Sarah was understandably downtrodden,
especially being trumped by her servant,
Hagar, a young woman. There was new strife
in her life that was very destructive. These
original conflicts have rippled down to the day we're
in now, and will be the grinding wheel of judgment.

We water down Scripture to suit us, and make
our own independent solutions, which seem
logical, like Abraham and Sarah did,
circumventing the power and truth in God's
true words.

Gen 15:5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward
heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them:
and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.

Gen 15:6 And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to
him for righteousness.

Gen 15:7 And he said unto him, I[am](YHWH) the LORD that
brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee
this land to inherit it.

Gen 15:8 And he said, Lord GOD, whereby shall I know that I shall
inherit it?

Most believers have had experiences where
the Holy Spirit was saying things, and it
was exciting, but, then we have doubts, to
make sure it is God, and not our own voices
or our own deceptions, delusions, or even

Abraham had quite an advantage on most
of us, because, the LORD physically has
spoken to him, and he has seen his resplendence
in many ways, from the King of Salem Melchizadec,
to the Angel of the Lord. He had ample evidence
to be assured of God's Holy Presence, in Angels,
in Messengers, and even in other humans who have
His Spirit, or regarded His wonders, like Pharoah
did in the presence of Abram and Sarai.

Most believers know that God is not limited,
in any way. He is with us, whether Angels
come down to minister, or not.

Abraham is in God's sight, and is becoming
recognizable to Abraham, and he is learning.

He asked God to show him a sign. Most of expect
something like the rainbow for the sign. Trouble is,
rainbows don't thrill us anymore. It rains, the light
shines and causes light refraction in color. Piece of
cake. It's science, not supernatural. Is it?

Rainbows are cool. for a multitude of reasons, mainly
that the storm is over, and they're soooooo pretty.

Animal sacrifice must have been excruciating.
To need to kill something to pay for our sins,
really humbles our spirits, especially when
it's purpose is to show us our own wretchedness.

We are compared to grass, by the Prophets,
and we are only given a few days to bloom in
the sun, and then we die, and turn to dust,
eaten, as we have consumed.

Plants turn the energy of the sun and water into basic
sustenance. How can any Scientist be an Atheist?

The role of the sacrifice in ancient religions
is a doctoral thesis subject, too extensive to
cover in a daily blog in one posting. The basis
for it in the Hebrew religion was to transcend.

The cult of Isis.Inc. had sacrifices, and a parralel
doctrine of beliefs, with one exception, God
was left out, and instead, they glorified themselves
with the old "God is in me" feel good philosophies.
Or even worse, the Moon and Sun Gods were the
deities who were venerated.


In some cases, the large brasen statues of
the gods, were constructed and then raised.
It astounds us, to this day. Could they have
had supernatural help? It's very possible,
in my opinion. From the beginning, there
was corruption. The "sons of god" i.e. fallen
angels, procreated a fierce race called Nephthalim
when they had sex with human women.

That's the magic behind the BEAST in Daniel.
The great metal statue of Nebechadnezzar,
King of Babylon, is raised to his feet.

The Abomination of Desolation, was the
installation of Marduk in the Temple of
Solomon, by Antioches Epiphanes.

Imagine the construction of a humongous
Collossus, bit by bit, and some supermagical
thing helped get it upright, on it's feet.

The ancients were dazzled by something,
because, they were sacrificing their own
CHILDREN, laying their tiny bodies in
a monstrous iron furnace, shaped like
a monster's mouth. Their tender children
were broiled alive.

The predominant RIVAL religion, in
Mesopotamia, was Marduk, who emerged
as the triumphant messiah in the Semiramis-Nimrod
religion. The monstrous and evil Marduk,
looked like an alligatorface from outer space.

Notice that there is a HUNTER (like Nimrod) and
the dragon. This is the duality of Marduk, who was
the original snake, the original red dragon deceiver,
(crockadile from Nile- massa)

The snake was in one form to Eve, but, otherwise,
appears as a Nimrod-esque Hunter / KING.

Abraham was not born a Jew, or Muslim. He
was born a Marduk-ian. His family were no
different than the surrounding pagans. They
had magical amulets and rituals. But, when
God called Abram, he called him OUT of all

When the LORD tells Abraham to
use animals, as proxy, it was with the
same understanding that Noah had,
after the flood, after saving the animals.
Yet, of those who were saved, did he sign
the contract with the LORD, in the smoke
of the holy sacrifice. The LORD came down
in smoke, and we go up in smoke.

It's basic, but, a profound mystery that
our souls cling to, even when we are consciously
not clinging to God. How do we express this
connection to our Creator? How do we, who
are so feeble, do something meaningful to
God, in addition to treating all creatures like

Noah sacrificed the most perfect, as God ordained.
So did Abram, and so will the Priest until the Lamb
of God came.

Their ceremony was somber, and meant
to teach the Priest something holy, about
life, death, sacrifice, sin and resurrection.

What is the ceremonial meaning for us, today
however? We have Christ, and he died as
the proxy for all. He died for the animals, too!
In His Kingdom, the lion grazes in the lush
field, and lie down next to a lamb, as a
friend. Christ represents himself as such a
glorious gentle lion to us.

Why does God introduce us to him through
these animals? It makes sense if he's smoke,
because he's mysterious and ethereal. It
makes sense if He's fire from heaven, from
a thunderbolt, articulating judgment and

As believers, we know the ridiculousness
of thinking of the LORD helpless. Yet,
he comes veiled in all things, even the
perfect 3 year old ram being slaughtered,
as a proxy for Abraham's sin.

How can we ever be worthy? Were we
exonnerated by the blood of beautiful
young animals being slain so we can
live? Don't we love a good barbecue?
If we smack our lips and have a full,
happy belly, how is that contrition,
or learning the tragedy of our sin, and
how it affects the entire creation?

It's one big slaughterhouse down here.
To live, something else must die.
In the end, the lowly maggots consume
our meat. In the end, we are brought
down to the grave. We long for just

Would the purpose of God in the sacrifice
ever be understood by mankind? By the time
the LORD comes back, to establish his holy
city, will there even be faith in God?

Gen 15:9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifer of three years
, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three
years old
, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon.

Heifer is the main sacrifice. It has a complex
purpose in the sacrifice, which I hope to get
more into when I get to the LAW. I'm not
sure I understand it with adequacy. I constantly
pray for enlightenment, because, in this understanding
we can embrace something holy.

I consider these revelation blessings like
prizes, along the highway. Most believers
know what it's like, when you have asked
questions for years, and they are finally answered.

The she goat- was a propitiation for Sarah. The ram was
the propitiation for Abraham. A turtledove and pidgeon
was sacrificed to represent the Holy Spirit, or purpose
of God.

Back to Abram asking God for a sign, like we
all do, God never answers Abraham with a plain
answer. The LORD told him to make a holy smoke
Gen 15:10 And he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst,
and laid each piece one against another: but the birds divided
he not.

Gen 15:11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram
drove them away.

Gen 15:12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep
fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness
fell upon him.

Horror - eymah {ay-maw'} (terror)
TERROR/(s) 7, fear 5, terrible 2, dread 1, horror 1, idols 1; 17

Gen 15:13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed
shall be a stranger in a land [that is] not theirs, and shall
serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred

That's a somber and terrifying prediction.

Imagine hearing that you will have a child, and
the joy it brings. Then, as you absorb this heart-
warming news, your heart is turned to ice hearing
that for the next FOUR HUNDRED YEARS, your
children and children's children will be SLAVES.

Gen 15:14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge:
and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse
him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the
earth be blessed.

For all the tribes that curse the tribes of Jacob,
they will be JUDGED with cursing. For any tribe
who bestows kindness, like Pharoah to Abraham,
they will be blessed, for their generation.

We know that at the end of this dispensation,
the measuring rod will be what we did with not
only the tribes of Jacob, but, most importantly,
their Messiah, Jesus. But, will the Jews be judged
because they rejected the corner stone?

Gen 15:15 And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou
shalt be buried in a good old age.

Gen 15:16 But in the fourth generation they shall come
hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites [is]
not yet full.

Four generations is analogous to the
four seasons. It can also refer to 100 years.
There is basic symbolism in both the
number 4, and how it relates in an organic
way to us and our environment.

Gen 15:17 And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down,
and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a
burning lamp that passed between those pieces.

Gen 15:18 In the same day the LORD made a covenant with
Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land,
from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river

From the Nile to the Euphrates.

Gen 15:19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites,

Gen 15:20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,

Gen 15:21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites,
and the Jebusites.

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