The Third Church Pergamos is said to be enthroned
where "Satan's seat" is... Why is that? He's accusing
the church of being led by Satan, literally. Yet, this
church prospered. It's sins were grievous, because,
this is the beginning of spiritual adultery, which we
suffer from, to this day.
Situated above the first two churches in Asia Minor,
Pergamos was an illuminated city. It had one of the
most impressive libraries, and it was a seat of learning
and medicine. Yet, it is called the seat of Satan!

In his day, the city of Pergamos was consdered
the most "new age," for sure. The city was
dedicated to the god of healing Escupulius
depicted as the climbing serpent... on the
We meet the serpent in Genesis, who is identified
as the devil. The interesting language also
reveals how crafty he was. Here, in educated
and scientific Pergamum, he is enthroned,
literally, and more disturbingly, alongside
the Angel of the Church. This signified
there was great warfare in the Angelic
Realm. This is the real deal. God's final
testament for our generation.
Whether we kick against the goads,
or not, we need to wake up and smell
the manna. We are in the greatest days in
the history of mankind's struggle with
good and bad. It all began in Genesis,
in the Beginnings, that the knowledge
of good and evil was when we were
Our intellectual potential, as a species,
is limitless, in some ways, because we
have the soul of many generations
combined. Our potential is certainly
unlimited, because we were created
by a perfect God.
John, is writing this admonition to
the faithful, at the end of the
first 100 years of Christianity.
He is given the words by Jesus.
He saw it. It happens. It happened.
There is another dimension where
we don't have the keys. We are
mere carbon chains.
We will be given the constitution
of the Omega Man, the body
of Christ, and literally, we will
be transformed, from image to
image. We will be us, but, we
will have the original genes,
without disease. We will live
for up to 1000 years, like they did
in Genesis. How stunning that
in knowing this, we are stunned
by the recognition of how real
this PROMISE is.
Our faith is challenged in a fire.
John, was blessed. As the youngest
brothers of Jesus, he was certainly
at his right hand. At least DaVinci
painted him that way!
John was his beloved. This servant and adopted
brother, was Mary's son in the end. Can we
recognize the tender poignancy in our
eternal genes in Christ, the firstborn of
the dea? Do we believe what Christ
promised to deliver?
Don't despair, if you feel like you're
being tested by this. I get depressed
when I think of hopeless things, like
the world ending, but, I need to now
feel the reality, of a new world coming,
with the Messiah. Christ, of the Nations.
Christ, the King of Kings, and Lord of
Back to Pergumum, this city adapted
to Christianity, at first. Christ was popular
all over Asia Minor, on the western
coast of Turkey, near Greece.
You can understand the jealousy the
craftsman, priests and tradesmen
were bitter. They were losing prestige
and losing out on the heart of the
infected Christians, in religious rapture.
Ultimately, the cunning gnostic adherents
were totally successful in usurping the
original meaning of it all, by giving glory
to the Mystery Religion.
As people who seek God, it makes
us call out to our Creator. We want
to believe. Our heart feels calm
when we do. But, our faith structure
is weakened, because of the infiltration
of vulgar rituals and other perversion
of the original story of grace and
redemption in God, through Jesus
The magicians of Pharoah had magical snakes,
that turned from staffs to snakes, which beguilled
the people, but, it was a cheap trick. real Harry Potter stuff.
Profoundly, Moses' staff became a snake,
too, to demonstrate how magic is no match
for the power of God, himself. Moses' staff
not only came alive, but, ate the Pharoah's
magicians snakes. The original wins out
by it's greater strength. We can't change
the matrix of our Universe, to compete
with perfection.
This is beyond Harry Potter stuff, or silly
Aleistair Crowley's heroin saturated, vile
Not only did God show his power through
Moses' staff, but, whenever anyone was
sick, the brass rod/ staff HEALED them.

Is it a coincidence that the Roman god, Escupulus,
as a patron of healers is shown with a snake rod like
Moses? Or was it more like Pharoah's magical serpent,
a far less effective power.
We know that Christ signifies Pergamum, whose
patron was represented with that powerful
emblem of strength and dominion, the
staff intertwined as a snake. It seems to
be no coincidence, even if it's convolluted
to jump off from there , to how we're now
corrupted by Sunday worship and Christmas,
because of the beguilling duplicate of God,
which constantly seduced the nations who
followed Christ .
From the start Judaism was undermined, and
regularly injected into pagan doubles, by being
the real thing, originally. This is a great parodox,
as well as an intentional irony. It is with sober
reflection that these things are revealed.
Judaism was constantly bombarded
by pagan religions, from the golden calf
of Aaron, to over 1000 years later, in
Jeremiah's day, when he lamented
about the spiritual poverty of his people,
who were about to be judged, and sent to
Babylon because they worshipped the
Babylonian Mystery Religion.
These heretical detours is seen in the
"Babylonian Talmud," where Babylonian
laws polluted the Torah's laws given by
Moses. This was the shame of the
Hebrews, and why they were accursed, as
God warned them in Deuteronomy 28.
It's never okay to mix pagan relgions with
JHVH and His covenant, and symbols.
Woe to those who have light for darkness,
darkness for light. We cannot be in the
dark and stand before God while justifying
these adulterous rituals, which God did
not ordain. We are part of the mother
of whores, Babylon the great.
This is just the surface of the mystery
of Babylon in the Book of Revelations.
Jeremiah makes this observation of how
the Jews were worshipping the pagan
mystery religion: Jeremiah 10
Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: | |
Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. | |
For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. | |
They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. | |
They [are] upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also [is it] in them to do good. | |
Forasmuch as [there is] none like unto thee, O LORD; thou [art] great, and thy name [is] great in might. | |
Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain: forasmuch as among all the wise [men] of the nations, and in all their kingdoms, [there is] none like unto thee. | |
But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock [is] a doctrine of vanities. |

Jesus was telling his brother John, that
Satan was ENTHRONED there in Pergamus.
He doesn't use that figuratively, at least, not
in it's first level of interpretation.
Considering the economic way Satan is
mentioned in the Bible, with no more than
a tiny pinch of salt, to flavor the strong
morality of the Bible, it is important to
take this revelation at face value, before
What do we know of Pergamum?
We know it was part of a crescent of
churches in Asia Minor, Turkey, on
the W. Coast. Ephesus was a city
dedicated to the patroness Diana.
The Temple of Artemis was one
of the great wonders of that era.
But, Diana was not the virgin
huntress, depicted, but, a fertile
mother. Mary and Diana were fused.
This is part of the mystery religion,
not that some cult somewhere practices,
but, what is going on in the CHURCH
OF CHRIST JESUS- starting with

Pergamum was dedicated to enlightenment
and science. Escalapius stood high
as their emblem, and perhaps god.
They were modern, by ancient
standards. They were more refined.
They intellectualized religion, accepting
it on their terms, not on face value
of what the Apostles brought forth,
as a foundation, which was the religion
of Moses.
These six verses in Rev.2, are not
hollow reiterations of threats, warnings,
musings and compliments. They are

They have great significance for us, too,
because all of these churches imparts
to us, our Christianity, no matter what
denomination we are.
In Pergamus, the Apostolic teachers
were eventually replaced by Constantine's
ruthless bishops, who forever changed the
religion, taking all of the Judaism away,
and injecting all of it's paganry and
pageantry, pomp and Christianity has
thus been in Purgatory, metaphorically
Merry Christmas, y'all. That's what
it's all about in Pergamus. It's a serious
allegation Christ is making to this Church,
and to the ages. He's saying that using the
Gnosticism of the "Nicolaitens" was anathema.
He's saying that worshipping in their style,
on their feasts, was wicked. He's condemning
Christmas, and all the other man-made
accomodations to the mystery religions
of the ancient world, which appealed to
the flesh.
That's why Christmas is a snare, now. Who
wants to give it up? Can we? I can't do it
entirely. I don't want to disappoint the
children in my life, or seem ungreatful
to my friends. I'm not better than anyone,
and maybe I'm even worse, because, I
have a spiritual revulsion.
But, I implore my brothers and sisters in faith
to observe this, and maybe we can start to
adhere to Christ's powerful admonitions.
This is important for us, in our day.
The Nicolaitens, were the double agents of
perdition, cloaked as clerics, priests, and
bishops, but, took Christianity and gave it
a pagan theme. Mary, in Ephesus, became
the new Diana/Isis/ Goddess. Christ becomes
the sungod, etc... The mystery relgion is
important in Revelation. It's part of the
final show down.
Was the mystery religion significant in
other ways? It corrupted Solomon. He
lost the inheritance of his father David,
and it was because he built shrines to
Isis and the ancient gods, beginning the
justification of ecumenical evolution.
It was something that crushed him
as an old man. He implored us not
to follow in his footprints, because
he went astray.
Solomon was lured away, the same
as Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, mother
of Jacob. The religions of the world,
which have catchy celebrations, like
the Saturnia turned Christmas, of the
ancients, where he feast on delicious
delicacies, and indulge in other sensual
delights, acknowledging vain things like
tinsil, lights, and other decorative celebrations
of the sungod, not Jesus.
What Christian doesn't celebrate Christmas,
in some way, though? Or if they don't
acknowledge Christmas, they're so legalistic
that they lose Jesus, anyway.
We need to follow Christ in his footsteps, not
the ones we have been brainwashed to observe.
We need to confess that we have been duped,
and learn from our mistakes.
Pergamum didn't learn, but, maybe we
shall overcome, and with the power of
God, we will be part of the ultimate
The false Christianity is depicted as a
harlot by Christ. He compares her to
the Babylonian queen and Jezebel, the
Queen of apostate Israel.
The key word is "apostate." Jezebel
was the Queen of the Northern Kingdom
of Israel, in Elijah's day. Israel was thoroughly
perverse, cut off from Jerusalem, where
only the tribes of Benjamin, (Levi) and Judah
She is the symbol of the Harlot. She is
given the title Queen of Babylon because
Israel was perverse by worshipping the
Babylonian religion, not the religion of
their fathers.
Israel is Babylon. The Whore of Babylon
is the Church.
It's important to hear what God is saying,
and obey his WILL. He is saying that
in the most civilized and educated places,
the mind can play tricks on us all. WIth
education, we get cocky, and too sure of
ourselves. Yet, even Evangelical and Biblical
Fundamentalists today worship Christmas.
It's a small thing, but, it's really huge, when
you get to the heart of it.
The church at Pergamus was entrenched in
learning and science, but, as the most erudite
and possibly educated and wealthy place, it
was easier to keep the pagan holidays and
legend, updating them with Jesus and Mary,
the Apostles replacing the former gods and
goddesses, from Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
This is the Mystery Religion, Babylon the
Whore, the false Christianity, representing
Christ, without his authority, and signature.
Would God change the Sabbath day? Man
did just this, in blatant rebellion. Did Christ,
or the Apostles decorate trees, or did they
observe only the traditional feasts of Judaism
like Hanukkah and Passover?
Why would Christ be born in the winter,
when it gets cold in Israel in December?
He wasn't born in winter, but, in Autumn.
This would be the time when a family
of Judah, up North in Gallilee, of Gad
and Naphthali, would make the trek to their
tribal home, which for them, was the City of
Judah-David, Bethlehem-Judah.

I believe they went home for the Holy Days,
and the New Year. What better time to do a
census, than the New Year, at the High Holy
Days when custom was to go back to their

Why am I rambling? Because Christmas
offends me. Maybe I'm way off, here, maybe
I'm not. I feel nothing but evil this time of
year. More murders, suicides, and sin occur
during this wicked holiday, than at any other
time of year. It is not a time of goodwill. It'
is a materialistic, and hedonistic orgy of
bad taste.
We have to recognize this, and stop blaspheming
God, in these ways, which so offended him, 2000
years ago. We should stop allowing the evil anomally
and blasphemy to continue.
Christ never sanctified a winter holiday for his birth. He
was probably born in the autumn, but, his birth is veiled,
We were not to worship him as a baby, and
Mary, as the goddess Diana, Isis...
Yet, now, we disgrace Christianity by the
indulgences and sin, yet, wonder why Judgment
Day will be hardest for the Church?
We have to repent. All of us. We have to get
clean. The Lord is coming back! I tremble inside
thinking about how far off the Church is, all
of us.
I want to get it right, dear Jesus. I want to
be right with God, and right with my brothers,
as well as all living things. With God's strength
will I make it. Without God, I have no strength
to even live for another day.
Lord, I am another lost sinner, please guide me.
For all those on the same path, I pray that you give
them each your strength, spirit, courage, and serenity.
(My views on Christmas are shared by many, but,
rejected by most Christians, who truly love the Lord,
but, dwell in darkness, concerning the blasphemy.)
Do we get a free ride on things this serious? Can we
tell God that Sunday was a better day than the Sabbath
He ordained? Can we justify it by saying that Christ
rising three days after the crucifixion... wait a minute,
he was crucified on a FRIDAY, like in "Good Friday."
How does three days later become Sunday?
The reason the Holy Sabbath was changed
was to accomodate the new version of the
Mystery Religion, the Great Whore in
Revelation, the Mother of Harlots.

Christmas is this prostitute's orgy,
I guess. It's a wretched sight, made
even more stinging because this is
the way Christ sees the CHURCH.
The Church, like the one in Pergamus,
was where the whore tempted the
faithful, and became a harlot, with
other religions.
Do we fool God by telling him that we
"witness" during Christmas? We
listen to Handel's Messiah, and tell
the Nativity story, rendered weak
like a fairy tale.
Is it a positive reflexion of the power
and glory of CHrist, himself, not depicted
by pagan religions?
What kind of witness is this? How many parents
take their kids out to serve the homeless, and
take care of the needy and neglected? What kind
of witness is it for parents to camp out overnight
for a chance to spend a week's salary on a toy
for a spoiled kid, just because, all the other kids
get 1000 dollar Christmas bonanzas?
Shouldn't that spare 1000 bucks be spent
on those who are truly needy, homeless,
home-bound and elderly?
When did this get to be a spending, eating,
screwing frenzy of sensuality and exorbitant
decadence, by any standard?
How dare we put Christ's name on this.
I also tremble thinking how Sunday became the
"sabbath." This is even worse. This occurred
in the same sequence of changing the pagan religion
into a new one, with Christian landmarks, but, none
of it's power. Sunday cannot be the Sabbath. Even
if we don't observe the Sabbath laws, like not
working, we can't then change it to a new day.
This was a Satanic change.
In Daniel, Satan is revealed as the one who
"changes the times."
I'd say changing the Sabbath qualifies as a mark
of the beast.
Daniel 7
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
All of these Hebrew customs, established by
Moses, and Aaron in Leviticus and Deuteronomy,
are altered by the "educated" but conniving
agents of Satan, starting in Pergamus. This is
when Sabbath was changed, and when ancient
ritual days conformed to Christ, polluting, and
dilluting it. That's why Pergamus is doomed,
and doesn't exist as a Church today!
But, it's poisonous treachory did infect
the churches that became our inheritance.
Christ is telling Pergamus, and us, to
change, and get rid of the gnostic rituals,
and the mystery relgions of the ancients,
which do not honor God, but, corrupt
the hearts of humans, already inclined
to be selfish, indulgent, rebellious and
evil. Christmas is an example of this
hypocrisy of the modern church.
Christmas is the antithesis of everything
Christ stands for, too. Charity, not selfishness.
Modesty, temperance, humility, fly out the
windows. It's an orgy, and it's evil that
children are encouraged to believe that
material things are what matter.
Shame on us all.
On the surface, Pergamos is the most prestigious
center of learning and science, religion and progress.
Yet, the most vile things were happening beneath
the surface. It has some striking similarities to
Western nations, like the US, and Britain.
We can certainly heed the same warnings as
the original church, who received this prophecy
Did they laugh at it, thinking that as scientific and
educated people, at the new age of enlightenment,
that this Satan talk was silly. Were they literally
the wolf in sheep's clothing, altering the nature of
Apostolic Judaism, into this mess, where Mary is
Isis and Diana, and Christ was just a reincarnation
of the deity Osiris...?
Their convoluted design of Christianity, ala
Constantine, in the 3rd C., began with the
Nicolaitens, the gnostic priests, who conformed
Christianity to the mystery religions.
This is the mark of Satan, from the start,
sowing tares among the good seed. He is
the spoiler, and spoiling Christianity, corrupting,
and raping it, probably was great fun for him.
The party's ending. Satan's not some South Park
invention. He's a glorious reflexion of God, inverted,
perverted, and rejected. He turned the world inside
out. With the help of man, he accomplished his
mission, to get brothers to hate one another. To
sow hatred, murder, terror and death.
The ultimate defilement is when the earth is
polluted by an even more toxic excrement.
Thinking about Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and that
area, as it is, today, it's very likely that these
lands will become eradicated and poisoned,
before too long.
Nuclear holocaust in the Middle East is not
a maybe.
That's why I take this study so seriously.
We've got to wake up, and open up to
the righteousness of God, as he is, not
how we have transformed his religions.
His religion is not decorated trees, cut down
in their glory, to be desecrated by gaudy things.
His religion is not to eat too much, drink too much,
spoil your kids, go broke for months, materialism,
hedonism, and blasphemy upon blasphemy.
We like to point the finger when we see those
who we think are "satanic." How many of us
feel that way about xmas? Yet, considering the
austerity of Christ, and the New Testament,
how can we stand before him, without shame,
for adapting him to an ancient satanic ritual
and custom, beginning in the ancient world,
before man was even created?
After each Church, Christ IMPLORES them
to wake up, open their eyes, and most of
all repent, and do the thing that was given
"at first" the "first love" which was Apostolic
We're fallen, and we don't know how to
get up. Yet we have great incentives to
admit our sins, and accept his forgiveness.
He has promised us "hidden manna."
He has promised us inheritance in the
Kingdom, and he has promised to be
merciful to all who come to him with a
humble heart, and contrite spirit.
I don't even know all the unwitting
sins I commit each day, but, just the
material ones I commit, are shameful.
Yet, I also rejoice that Christ has said
that he will forgive us our sins, when
we turn to him in faith.
I pray we all are awakened to his glory.
I pray every heart that wants to know
God, by any name, will be nurtured by
God, in Jesus. There are too many
Christians who have gone astray, and
it's time to be real about it.
We've got to go back to the original
religion of the Apostles, and ask God
to guide us there.
Hashem Adonai Amen.
Finally, who is Antipas, the martyr?
He opposed the transition of all the
pagan gods into a Christian theme,
and without his guidance, Constantine
allowed the false priests to change the
religion into a vain thing. He was killed
because he upheld the Judaism of the
Apostle's relgion in the Messiah, contrary
to the unscrupulous clerics of the day,
implied to be the agents of Satan, in
the seat of his empire on Earth,
which was Pergamus, in 90 -100 AD.
Numerically, Rev. 2:12- 2:17 has 6 verses.
This relates to man and the beast, 6 is the
number of man, and in Pergamus, it refers
to the Satanic realm, where Christ has been
replaced by the ancient gods of the pagans.
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; | |
I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan's seat [is]: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. | |
But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. | |
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. | |
Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. | |
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it]. The Mystery Religion- Helios worship |
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