Ephesus, to Smyrna, and up to Pergamum,
then back down to Philadelphia and Laodicea.
It's not an accident that these seven cities were
important and wealthy purveyors of the
valuable material goods of the day. They were
also advanced in terms of civilization and culture.
In so many ways, they symbolize the
Christian church in America, to me.
Originally dedicated to the ancient gods, the
Apostles changed the world, starting in Asia
Minor, when the Church was established
in these vital churches.
Each one of these places has long ago ceased
to retain either their Christianity, or ancient
gods, like Diana and Zeus.
In one sense, Revelation's judgments were fulfilled in the destruction of these
very churches. Jesus tells them that they should repent or their candle
would go out. Even the good churches, Smyrna and Philadelphia,
were decimated and destroyed.
These are grim prognosticators of our future, and the judgement
that will be meted out to our Church age.
While I am reluctant to see the seven churches as metaphoric
towards the ages of the church, as I was instructed by my
pastors, I do see elements of the Church of Laodicea in our
current age.
Neither hot nor cold, Laodicea is very similar to most of the
churches of our era, especially in the USA, where we are
very materialistic, and we're extremely carnal. Even our
Christianity is carnal. I'm not excluding myself from this
grave diagnosis. I am only too convicted that I need to
put more effort into my relationship with God, and
I desperately need to live in faith.
I am afraid for our era, and I fear for myself, as well.
I am terrified that I'm not saved. I want so much to
please God, and to know him in a sacred way. Too
often, I am tempted away, by anger, desire, and
lust for things of this world.
I want to be perfect, but, look at me. I'm a mess.
What hope is there for me? I pray for the grace
of a merciful Lord, and I know God forgives us.
It frustrates me, however, that the one thing that
I want the most, which is to know God, is something
that I struggle with. I will spend an hour praying and
reading the word, for every two hours I spend
doing meaningless things, like watch TV, DVDs,
and play games on the computer.
Help me Lord. I know I need strengthening.
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