From Blue Letter Bible:
The descendants of Seth were called by the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:25,26). This is not true in reference to the descendants of Cain. The servants of God in all ages have been called the sons of God (Job 1:6; Romans 8:14; 1 John 3:2). The character of Seth's descendants proves that they were the sons of God (Genesis 5:3-29; Genesis 6:9; Genesis 7:1). The character of Cain's descendants proves that they were not the sons of God, for Cain Himself was a murderer, a fugitive, and vagabond (Genesis 4:8-14), and his descendants were polygamists and murderers (Genesis 4:17-23).
God establishes different dynasties, by design.
He puts his mark on one particular group,
Caananites, son of Cain. He also puts his
mark on the ancestors of Christ, in Seth.
Everyone had the same genes, and God
deliberately installs grace, by walking with
the son of Cain, Enoch.
Bloodline alone is nothing without
the compassion and love of Christ,
who turns our accursed genealogy
into the original state of perfection,
before the fall.
Grace abounds.
Are we our brother's keeper?
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