Zechariah 4:2 - And said unto me, What
seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold
a candlestick all gold, with a bowl upon the top of
it, and his seven lamps theron and seven pipes to the
seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof.
¶ | And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. |
of the rededication of the 2nd Temple, in Jerusalem.
And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. |
Notice how winter was used. This is Chanukah in Jerusalem, in Jesus'
day. His being there was extremely important, yet, the modern church
lost this meaning, due to the religion of Christianity being paganized.
Like the division of the languages, in the Tower of Babel, this great
paradox of the division of Judaism and Christianity, also causes
confusion, yet, it was still in God's Holy design of GRACE.
Throughout the books of the Prophets in the OT, God indicates
this irony. In the NT, the rejection of GOD by the Jews, is
explained that their blindness enabled the nations to be
baptised into the wellspring of life, through the faith in
Jesus Christ, the Jew's Messiah, and the King of Jerusalem,
our High Priest, after the Order of Melchizedek.

Yet, we are at the end of the road, in Christianity,
and neither the Jews of the CHristians, can put
the beauty of Jewish history, tradition, mysticism,
and prophecy together.

Christ was not born in winter, and could not have
been. Yet he is the Light of the Menorrah, the
8 branched candleabra, that Jews light tonight,
at the sundown, and beginning of 8 days
of grace and fulfilling God's promise.
It is similar by design to the Temple candlesticks
of seven, which appears in the beginning of the
Book of Revelation. The symbolism of the 8,
is revealed in this book, when after the 1000
year sabbatical "7th Day" of the Lord's reign,
the 8th day begins a new heaven, with a new
The amazing thing about God's promises is
that they constantly are enlarged, as He
has no finite limits. Praise our Lord for sharing
His mysteries.

Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. |
Just like the Jews would tell Christ today, if you are
the light that lights the other 7 lights in the Menorrah,
our Messiah of God, then tell us.
Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. |
The problem is, just like then, today, even with the
living witness, The WORD of God, when we have Christ's
light to guide us, we reject the truth, usually, for the traditions
of men, and our own vain imaginings.
Christ, walking in the rededicated Temple, in John 10,
as the Messiah, once shrouded in heavy symbolism and
mysticism, becomes the living Word of God, yet, the Jews,
then, as Christians do now, reject the truth, preferring
traditions, and vain paganism. The Hebrews had a tortured
history of falling away, and stumbling over the Egyptian,
Babylonian, Sumerican, etc. and their religions. Yet,
they would not stay true, and when the Messiah was born,
they embraced him, until he refused to take the crown
of his fathers, as the royal seed, to restore Jerusalem.
He was crucified wearing a crown of thorns, and mocked
as "King of the Jews."
The Jews of Christ's day, knew he was the ancestor
of David and Solomon, of Judah, and that he was
of the royal bloodline.
During Christ's day, Israel was occupied by
the Romans. This was similar and parallel
to the original days of Judas Maccabee, who
was the predecessor to Jesus.
Maccabee overcame, and restored the Temple,
for the 2nd revival.
This was the 2nd dedication of Solomon's
Temple in Jerusalem. 70 years after Christ
rose to glory, the Temple of Solomon was
destroyed, as he prophesied. The Temple
coming down from Heaven, like a bride
adorned for the wedding He promised.
Just like Hanukkah became a sweet celebration,
we light the candles, praying to God that once
again He will settle the controversy of Zion,
and all who fight against Zion, will suffer
a fierce destiny. They will wail and gnash
their teeth. We will have his oil for the
lamp of our enlightenment, and salvation.


Woe to the Antichrist's little mouthpieces,
like poisonous toads, jumping from sepulchrous throats
of hellfire beneath. Woe to Jimmy Carter, one of the
false Prophets.
During the heroic battles of the Maccabees,
a Christ-like figure emerges, to oppose the
great evil dictator, Antiochus, who performed
the "Abomination of Desolation" by installing
pagan abominations, and the abominable image,
forcing the Jews to acknowledge an abominable idol, and eat
things that were unclean and sacrificed to God of the Greeks.

Maccabee gave the nation restored hope, seeing the
miracles of JHVH again. As a template for things
to come, this heroic High Priest, and Annointed
one, of Chanukah, faced the mortal enemy, in
Antioches, called the Mad Dog, and who was
the template for 666, the Antichrist to come.
We cannot change the glory of God, and Jesus
Christ, by putting his name on the abomination
of the sungod's decadent hedonistic orgy of
Christmas. It is one of Satan's greatest
victories in corrupting the Church. We
must take back the TEMPLE, just like
Judas Maccabee did!

Jesus fulfilled every last word of the OT,
and is the last hope of a King Davidic and Solomonic Messiah, as King of Jerusalem, because, 70 years later, the Temple of Solomon was destroyed for the 2nd time since Babylon. The nation of Israel was utterly destroyed,
and those who were not murdered, were cast out of Jerusalem, for their lack of faith in God, and for putting out the candle of the MESSIAH Jesus, causing Judaism to become permanently perverse, and without messianic hope.
There is no intact pure genealogy of David, it's all blended.
Jesus was the last of the lineage of David's seed, who
was in succession. We can overcome only in His Spirit,
and conquest of the material world we are ensnared
by, and slaves to.
The 2nd dedication of the temple was
Chanukah. The first dedication of Temple
of God, was during Solomon's reign, 900- 1000
years before Christ. It was besieged 500 years
later, and conquered by Babylon, by God's decree,
and then, 100 years or so later, Alexander the Great,
became a lightening rod in God's hand.
Alexander was not horrible to the Jews, and
he venerated their God, being witness the writings of Daniel,
who told of his coming hundreds of years earlier.

The reason Old Testament, and Hebrew history
and custom is necessary, is to understand CHRIST!
He is seen in Judaism. He is not to be mixed into
the pagan religion. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE,
he implores all of us, and none of us have clean hands.
But, God will forgive us when we put away things
dedicated to idolatry and consumption for our
own pleasure. We must do this friends, Jew and
Christian, Hindu and Muslim, Atheist and Scientologist.
What we were has to now evolve into what is
coming down, our LORD, who will be merciful.
He is bringing his rereward with HIM!

My heart leaps and beats passionately
thinking of his coming down with the
clouds. Or we shall be brought up halfway
to meet him. He will keep us from the
evil that must come, if we obey him,
and love His name, and his salvation
in Jesus Christ, the LIGHT of the
world, who lights our way in the
I LOVE Duncan Long's artwork. He really captures New Jerusalem
magnificently. What is remarkable is that he reveals the subtlety
of New Jerusalem, and our rapture, being between Heaven and
Earth. The city is above Erets Israel. Literally. The implication is
that Israel nukes the region in the beginning of the Trib.
To the survivors, God gives mankind another chance. Everyone
who is still alive in that period when He returns with our
new City of God, will be able to see New Jerusalem, kind of
hovering. Everyone who resists the Beast, and urges others
to revolt, like the Maccabees, will be part of the resurrection
and their souls will be saved. They will join New Jerusalem
in the next day.
During the days of the Maccabees, who were the
great heroes of the Hebrew who rebelled against
the pagan beast of Antioches, who set up the unholy
sacrifices that made the temple desolate, like it is
now, in ALL religions. Those dedicated zealots,
who bravely fought the beast of Antiochus, prevailed
because God extended their light, their oil, which
is the anointing of Christ, the King. We must do that
with our current Temple, represented by the Seven
Churches and candlesticks in the Book of Revelations.
This is what we need to follow after, not the crowds
and swarms who call Christmas Christ's day, and
perform rituals alien to His Plan, His Religion.
Think of this: Who is the most godless person in
your life right now, the one who always
makes fun of religion, belittles Christ, and
only uses God's name to curse? Do they shun
Christmas, or are those idiots the ones with
the biggest reindeers and *satans claws* on
their lawns?
Do they love Jesus Christ? Or is it the carnal nature
of the festivities that they lust for?
Think of the worst people you can, and
ask yourself why they celebrate Christmas?
Look at them, eating until they burst,
drinking and driving drunk, partying,
spending incredible amounts of money
in vanity, and self-indulgences, spoiling
their spoilt kids, and ruining their souls
Judas Maccabee, figure of Moses and the Messiah,
the High Priest/King, Melchizedek, faces the
antichrist, in a beast who sets up the pagan
god, sacrificing to him pigs, which were unclean
by the Mosaic Laws.
If Christians only knew
how close they are coming to venerating that
Antichrist, because of the Christmas dinners, that may
be intolerable to a perfect Creator, who
only required we keep HIS religion free
from paganism, and idolatry, and SIN.


The demon loves to corrupt, and when he
corrupts, it's like hiding a little leaven in
flour, making expansion, of sin upon sin
until Christians indulge in the spectacle
we see now.
If your church has a hewn tree, decorated
with gawdy crap, then run. Get up to the
rooftops and wait. It's that serious. The
five of seven original churches were
rejected for exactly this kind of heresy,
and for changing the truth into a
blend of the mystery religion.
Even with sin, grace moreso abounds.
Even with the Hebrew nation, being
wicked and proud, God never abandoned
them. When there was a revival of spirit,
and light, to overthrow the beast du jour,
circa 100 b.c., the Menorrah became
a symbol of hope. God restored the
great Temple, 100 years or so before
the Messiah was to be born in
Bethlehem, in the House of David,
during the Holy Days, IN OCTOBER
or LATE SEPTEMBER (haven't researched
when Yom Kippur would be and we're not
100% sure of the Messiah's birth.)
Anyway, that's why it's poignant to me,
as a Jew 4 Jesus, to perceive of the glorious
day when Christ walked in Solomon's Porch,
during Hanukkah.
The centuries preceding Christ's birth
saw a great hope in the Messiah. Israel
had a brief period of great faithfulness,
but, within the 4 generations of curse,
(quartenary curse of generations, found
in Proverbs..) There was again apostasy
and heresy, with the Jews mingling the
unclean thing, the pagan gods and religion,
mixed with Jewish things.
This is not acceptable. So, Jerusalem
and Erets Israel became occupied by
the Romans. When Jesus was born,
they were looking for the Messiah, based
on Daniel's prophecy of 70 years, and
several candidates already had applied
for the job and didn't make it past the
4 generations.
Jesus was perfect because, he was the
perfected man, the perfected King David
and King Solomon.
In the Book of Revelations, we see Jesus
returning to us, the Church of Christ,
and he is standing amongst the seven
candles of the light he gave to the
7 churches.
Every eye will see him. Halleluyah Adonai!

There is parable after parable relating
to this candleabra or mennorah, Jesus
being the top candle, the one that
lights the others for 8 days.
The days are an allegory of grace.
In relative God measured years,
there was 4 centuries, or 4 days,
before Christ came. The 2 days
of the past 2 millenia, were the
establishing of the Church.
The 7 th day is the Sabbath
of God. The 1000 year millenium
of Christ's kingdom, here on Earth,
where he will rule from Jerusalem.
It's back to Eden. On the 8th day,
we are graduated to a new Heaven
and a new Earth. Everything in
existance is because of God, and
God, who is infinate keeps expanding.
We are the image of Christ, the image
of God, and it is HIS light, that lights
the seven candles of the seven churches
of Revelation.
Just like Jesus celebrated Chanukkah,
as the light of the world, we must
consider the great miracles he has
given us.
We need to submit our wills to him,
thanking him, in joyous celebration,
because he is glorious, and kind.
For all our sins, he has always provided
reconciliation, hope, and salvation.
He will not abandon us, but, we must
turn to him, without the offense of
idolatry, and changing the DAYS,
both the Holy Day he was born,
on Yom Kippur, and his veneration
and symbolic presence for the first
Messsianic Chanukah.
Praise Hashem Adonai. Y'eshua Hamashiach.
Our hope is in you, Lord God. You are
the light which lights our way. Be a
lamp unto our feet.
We're suffering Lord, and being persecuted,
as in the ancient days. Throughout this
toxic planet, they are cutting the throats
of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and all who
do not bow down to the beast who is
their cruel slavemaster. They offer the
world nothing but slavery and
perdition, murder and treachory.
The treachorous dealers deal trechorously
O Lord, we shake in our booties.
The Antichrist is present, Lord, and
there is a rising of the beast. It's been
two days, and only through you do
we have the power and light to
Let the world see your response, when
you will contend with the world for
the controversy of ZION!
Give us your Holy Spirit, as a Hanukkah
present this year. May your oil and light
keep our minds illuminated until you
come. I always wanted to fly with
the Angels. Halleluyah Lord, you
are coming!

Ruwach Elohiym Adonai, Halleluyah.
Hashem Aleftav.
We've waited for TWO days, precious
friend, Jesus. We long to see you,
and to know your new name.
As we light the first candle, let us have
a Sabbath of clarity, worship, and
PRAISE! Let us sing to you, and count
our blessings.
You will cover us when the evil comes.
You will snatch us out, without a doubt.
I love you Jesus, the light of my candle,
who enlightens me. Please give me your
strength, faith, and courage. Help all those
who call on your Holy Name this evening.
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