Monday, December 04, 2006

Overcoming blocks

I keep halting to a complete stop, trying to get this
essential study going. I can't think of a more intense
SOAP journal induction, than to start with Genesis
and Revelation, but, what choice do I have? Even
if just these two books, take up the next six or
seven years, I know I need to stick with it.

It should be clear, to every Christian, paid for by
the blood of Christ, that we are quickly clicking
into the matrix of the very prophetic days, spoken
of by the Prophets.

Genesis to Deuteronomy, the Pentateuch, or First
Five books, are attributed to Moses. I believe they
were actually written by Joshua, who took the
mantle of the Kingdom, in the personage of the
Messiah, of the day.

Joshua's name, is Savior, the same as Jesus.
They are the same Hebrew name, for a reason.

Joshua is truly a template for the Kingship of Christ,
because, he is a direct ancestor. In fact, everything
he does, is an exact duplicate of the deliverance of
his great-great..grandson Yeshua, (Joshua) which
in Greek, is Jesus.

He is the Messiah, of his day, as a descendent of Judah,
the fourth son of Jacob (Genesis 49) whose seed was
prophesized, to be the bloodline of the Messiah.
Moses, was the Levite, the High Priest. With his
brother Aaron, and sister, Miriam (Mary,) priest
and high priestess, Moses led the Israelites through
the wilderness of the world, for forty years.

It was Joshua who led them in. It was Joshua
who first revealed the great heavenly shout, with
the blasting of horns. And the walls came tumbling

In Jesus's holy genealogy, in addition to being the
great ancestor of the last Judah Kings, and Kings
Solomon and David, he was the great ancestor
of the hero Joshua. Joshua married the prostitute
Rahab. It is an utterly magnificent metaphor and
portrait of grace and reconciliation.

Joshua certainly gave her credit, as he promised
her, in those days in Jericho. He did more than
admire her, he married her. You see this kind
of symbolism in the Old Testament a lot.
See Hosea. Hosea also means Jesus, Savior,
with the same Hebrew letters as Jesus, Joshua,
Isaiah, and Hosea. It begins with a yod, or
what I think of the hand and breath of God,
and each Hebrew letter carries it's own
weight. It's the poetry of the Hebrew
that creates the mystical threads of
God creates Adam, and with
the knowledge of good and evil,
these ancestors of ours, were faced
with cares and troubles, not
paradise. Like the Angels, banished
from heaven, wee were banished from
the garden of Ged, where we walked
with him.

This is where death was born, through
sin. This is why there was a blood
offering for sin. Do we understand this,
even after the bloodbaths of history?
Every day, human beings are being
slaughtered by their brothers.

Why do we deserve heaven?

But, through the next six thousand years,
there is a magnificent completion of this
work of God's, which is man.

The final Adam, or fallen man, was Jesus
Christ, ancestor of Solomon, (Joseph)
and ancestor of Nathan (Mary) who
were Kings of Judah, 1000 years before.
The Kings of Israel, in the united Kingdom,
were David and Solomon. David and Solomon
were the ancestors of the black-skinned
Ruth, the Moabitis. That's why Solomon
is considered black. His mother was Bathsheba.
They were the ancestors of Joshua, the great
leader, who married the scarlet woman,
Rahab. That's where the scarlet thread
comes in, and is used superstitiously
by many Jews.

We know that Joshua married Rahab
in the New Testament, when she is
one of the few women mentioned as
the ancestor of Mary's.

The scarlet thread has a profound history.
It starts in Genesis, with the birth of the
twins, Pharez and his twin, and then Jacob
and Esau. A red thread tied around Jacob's
foot, which established him as head of household
as firstborn of Isaac, yet, his twin Esau, came
out first. Jacob kicked his foot out first.

Isaac and Rebecca may have been in
cahoots in designing Isaac's blessing,
which carried huge weight in those
days. Isaac's estate would go to
Esau, but, Esau sold his rights
as firstborn, as a joke, when he
was hungry and Jacob fixed him
a yummy dish. Rebecca dresses
skinny and fair Jacob up in his
brother Esau's clothing, all skins.

The huge metaphors of grace
are amazing to me. Amazing grace.
You see Cain and Abel, all through
these individual lines, in the Old
Testament, and completed in
Jesus, the great----est grandson
that could establish the kingdom
of God on Earth.

Here we are, today, with the
ancestors of the original twins,
the bloody and righteous,
face to face, for the final battle
of mankind.

Am I my brother's keeper?
You bet I am.

The war must end. The time
of peace is coming. There will
be laughter in the forests,
and the world will be a place
where lions and lambs can be
friends again.

The last Adams will live 1000 years
like the first sons of Adam, 6ooo years

This is the Sabbath of Heaven, written
in the matrix, on the 7000 year of this
family of Adam's, tho the family of Jacob's,
Judah, David, Jesus. 1000 years will
begin when the Lord returns to Jerusalem.

This is what Zechariah said.

Salvation and a stitch to heal the lineage
of Adam. Jesus is the prototype, literally,
for the new man. We will be transformed,
from image to image. We will look like Adam
did. We will also be healed. We will not be
depressed, oppressed, or regressed. The
fruits of the Kingdom will be ours, by
the amazing prophecy of man, in Jesus.

No other man, not one, influenced this
planet the way that he did. He crushed
the head of Satanic order. He establishes
the Order of Melchizedek. He is the Prince
of Peace, our High Priest, and King.

The books Genesis and Revelation, begin
and end, this specific prophecy. These
are the 66 books of the canon we can

I think the Maccabees, Enoch, and
the other Eccliastice should be considered.
They are Apocolyptical, like the Book of

The Fall of man, and the climb to redemption
is the main subject of prophecy and news of
God's grace.

Genesis is hard to get through in the same
amount of time, other books of the Bible
are. Every time I enter Genesis, I am
transformed by wonder, especially if I
read it concurrently in Hebrew. This was
how I learned Hebrew. If I can do it,
anyone can. The Hebrew letters and
ancient words, are like a cleanser
for me. I come in wretched, and
leave cleansed. Knowing the outcome
of the fall from grace, with Adam,
helps me to recognize the miraculous
salvation Jesus provides for us.

Jesus's mark is all through Genesis.

I subscribe to the belief that Joshua
may have written Genesis to
Deuteronomy. The style of the
Book of Joshua, is consistent sytax with
the Books of Moses. I think Joshua
was vital in the Exodus, and the first
leader of the Erets Israel.

Even though Moses and Aaron established
strict laws for bloodline, how ironic that
Joshua married Rahab. She would be
the ancestor to the Palestinian.

Joshua and Rahab through Jesus,
blessed, all of Erets Israel, today.
The bloodlines are originally the
same between all the enemies of
today. We are brothers.

Christians and Jews have been killed
off since the earliest days, stemming
from ancient hostilities between brothers.

Cain and Abel. The vegetarian and
meat eater. The original sibling rivals,
are the key to understanding the origina

Have we evolved, excuse the expression?
Have we not learned anything?

The original adamic race was not like us.
They lived much longer, had fierce visions,
were visited more with angels. They
lived 1000 years!

The Angel of the Lord, was present
regularly, and carved out a path
and highway, of salvation.

Like any genetic DNA flaws, the
more breeding, the stronger our
traits grew. Disease and infestations
followed mankind. Murder, lust,
jealousy, hatred between brothers
was made stronger. The seed of
Adam, and the two brothers.

I believe the earlies examples
of mankind, in these individuals
are powerful metaphors, for
obvious reasons.

We are all saved by grace, alone. God
chooses remnants from all races, creeds,
tribes and nations. Even the seed of Abraham
are represented prominantly, in the final
number of 144,000.

1200 x 1200 becomes the formula for
grace, and i think it's ironic that there
was about 6 million killed in WWII, and
now there are only about 12 million left.

There were 12 princes of Ishmael.
12 princes of Isaac's son Jacob.

12 apostles.

Day and Night. Completion.

I pray that the Lord speaks to
us, through these sacred words
in the Bible. It is sweet to
the taste, like honey.

Provide us with your power
to transform our lives, and
help others. Help us to overcome
our enemies, Lord God. Be our


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