Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My brother thinks he's so smart...

It's our unique synchronicity, that when I study
the Bible, my brother Louis, studies some New
Age thing to irk me. This time, it's the Koran.

He's in a holy war with a friend who's a Muslim,
and like he does with me, he is going to try to
convince him not to believe in his religion.

Why does he do this? I think it's because
he went to a Jesuit University, and had
the ability to dazzle the burned out Jesuit

Making the Bible too academic, and making
faith palatable to the masses, destroys souls.
That's part of the problem with the current
state of the Church, if you can piece together
all the disparate denominations.

The Prophecies of Revelation, and beyond,
are definitely present in our current world.

Even if the coming of the Lord is not for
another 1000 years, I believe we need to
prepare, as if He's coming back, in the next
day, or year.

Maybe it's imminence, is in 20 years,
or 40 years, but, we still need to consider
ourselves, in our current state.

Adam was built to please God, as a
different kind of companion, than the
angels. Does God go around to every
planet with life, and marry himself
to their species?

My brother just can't get past evolution.
He uses that word, as if, it's proven.
I keep asking him, if we are the
same as apes, and there are apes
right now, then who are the missing

A thousand years, is as a day to the Lord.
A billion years is the same thing.

Days are relative to the orbital planet.

Who wrote Genesis? I think Joshua did,
maybe with the mentorship of the first
High Priests, Moses and Aaron benLevi.
What's fascinating is that Miriam is always
included, in the role of Prophetess. We
don't maintain any of these, but, maybe
Joshua, as a young man was mentored?
We certainly see a great synchronicity,
with Mary and Jesus, or Miriam and Joshua.
There is tremendous metaphor, in the Exodus,
to the birth of the Savior, and eventual exodus
of the final Jews, the ones 4 Jesus, who are
comprised of all nations, as ordained.

The false Jews are the ones, who have
abandoned God, but, not their inheritance.
It's a complex story of grace, but, that's
what the Bible teaches. There are many

Moses walked with Hashem. He was like
Enoch, son of Adam, born after Abel was
killed by Cain.

God walks with Enoch, back in Genesis.
This isn't figurative, like we say, we
walk with Jesus. God literally walked
with Adam, and his descendants, like
God walked with Adam and Eve in
the garden of Paradise. Then God
walked with Moses, as he led the
slaves out of Egypt.

We can get a gist of where literal Eden
was, because, it is where the Tigris
and Euphrates meet. Of course,
these rivers aren't the same as
back then, but, it would be in that
fertile crescent, where our descendants
came from, somewhere between Iraq and

Is there more to the creation, than Moses
and Joshua wrote about? No doubt.
The creation of life is the greatest
mystery. If there was a lot known
about it, or could be explained to
our small brains, then, there would
be more to tell us in Genesis.

Moses, who walked with God,
and gave the Ten Commandments,
was told what to write about creation.
We can only go by what is written.
We have to accept these words, even
though they engender doubt, and test
our faith. I believe that's the way it's
supposed to be, not just because it
is, but, because we need to ask questions
when reading the Old Testament.

Faith is built, by testing it, constantly.

The last testament, of Jesus to John,
was a new beginning, for the family
of man. Beginnings and new beginnings.
Judgment and damnation to the wicked.

12 hours in the day and night. Walk in
the light. What does it all mean? What
is it like when darkness becomes the
light? Who is the snake? Is this a literal
story? What did the knowledge of good
and evil mean to man? What did the
devil do to man?

Strange things occur in Genesis,
but, amazing things happen to us,
as we connect to this family, whose
patriarch is Adam. Our genes go
back to him. We have introduced
foreign DNA to God's perfect man,
Adam. We don't live 1000 years,
like they did.

But, the Bible ends with man living
1000 years, on Earth, in New Jerusalem,
which is paradise on Earth, in Israel.

Is it any wonder that the most likely
place for nuclear war is between Iraq,
Iran, Syria, and Israel? How did Zechariah
see this, in Zech 12...?

In the NT we hear that if the Lord didn't
come back, after 1/3rd of mankind was
killed in the final holocaust, then no
flesh would be saved.

These things are meant to be literal, in
the sea of prophetic words in Revelation.
Jesus, the last Adam, and final man,
comes to John, his disciple, to tell him
of the victory, and to warn the churches.
I've never been certain that The Day
of the Lord, or Judgment Day, pertains
to the world, as much as the church.
Because of the great heresies, and
conduct, the majority of Christians
are actually damned, by the words
of John, to the churches.

The key is the mark of the beast.
What is it?

The last Adam is perfect, like Adam
was perfect. We will be likewise,
physically perfect in this great
promise, when Jesus is King
of Jerusalem. This is the dispensation
of the Holy Order of Melchizedek.
All kings of the Earth will pay tribute,
not in taxes, but, in person, to the
King of kings.

King David, and King Solomon walked
with Hashem. This was the dominion
which spawned the final king of Jerusalem,
who calls himself, The Alpha and Omega,
The First and Last. He also has a new
name, which we will know when he
reigns on Earth.

This would all seem like a fairy tale, but,
consider this, how after thousands of
years, the world is tipsy turvy over
the controversy of Zion. Why is a small
group of humans, the Jews, always

What's that all about? Why are the
Jews cursed, and blessed, at the
same time?

My brother would love to see
the things I do, in the Bible, but,
he's unable to give himself to
the glory of God, not mankind.
He is a humanist, and he's unable
to see a more divine creature than
himself. He thinks Jesus is to blame
for the holocaust, etc.

I really can't believe this, because
we've had ample proof of God's
grace, in our family. He's afraid of
it. He blocks it, and refuses to consider
that God is not man. It's not in us to
ascede to heaven. He thinks God lives
in him, based on his intellect. It's true
he's a genius, but, in this subject, he
is too arrogant to study it with his
heart. His intellect gets in the way,
and I know how much he needs God!

Salvation is a gift. We are not
born good. We are all filthy,
from the minute we hit the air.
Look at the behavior of Britney
Spears, and Elliot Mintz's coven
of witches, in Hollywood? These
depraved last generation of females,
and proud pimps are teaching a
generation of completely depraved

We are dirty, by our genes. That's
why it's a metaphor of grace when
we see the figure of the messiah,
in Joshua, marrying a prostitute,
and the continued theme, until
Magdalene and Jesus. There's
definitely a scarlet thread...
But, we are legitimized, and
sanctified by marriage to Jesus.

Scarlet is a very symbolic color.
in Isaiah, it is written that our
sins are scarlet. Scarlet is the color
of blood, and the color of grace.
It is established as the color
of royalty, along with purple.
These colors adorn the temple.

Scarlet was obtained by different
means, one way was the scarlet
worm, who when crushed turned
this color. In Psalms, Jacob, the
patriarch, is called a worm, in
the same Hebrew letters, which
connects the scarlet directly
to the original prince, and descendant
of Jesus, through the royal lineage
of David.

Where there is sin, grace abounds.
These are represented by so many
symbols, in the Bible.

We are the end of the line, in my opinion.
We cannot go lower than the depths of
depravity in the last 100 years. There
is no limit to the depravity, from murderers,
like OJ and Charles Manson being
celebrated as celebrities, to indecent
and demon-possessed shells of humanity,
Britney Spears, and her cohorts, and pimps,
who are imparting doom to an entire generation
of pre-pubescent children. .

Folks, this is Sodom and Gomorrah amplified.
I am frightened for all those who think we're not
that bad. It's time to go back to the garden,
and to get clean. In the garden,
to come, in the suburbs of Jerusalem,
there will be a fountain for the House
of David, in Jesus Christ. There is
a fountain of life for the Jews, the
eternal scapegoats, too, through
the Davidic line of Nathan, from
the House of Mary, mother of Jesus,
who was descended from David, through
his son Nathan. Joseph descended
through Solomon. This establishes
Jesus as heir to the crown , since
Joseph's line determined that.
Before Mary and Jesus, the Jews
were patriarchal, where the father's
family determined the lineage of the

We need to grab hold of the skirt
of God, and beg him to give us the
faith and will to follow him. Jesus
is the way back to the garden.

Genesis brings us Abraham,
Isaac and Ishmael.

There is a fountain for Abraham's
children, including Ishmael, who
walked with the Lord, with his
mother, Hagar, also blessed.

In the Koran, Ishmael, as the firstborn,
is the chosen one. The Angel of the Lord
blessed his seed, meeting him in the

However, like Jacob, kicking his heel
out first, even though Esau was born
first, and should have been the heir
to the Messianic line, the bloodline
of the Messiah, Jesus, ancestor of
Jacob, is first.

A common theme, in the Old and New
Testaments, are these words:
"The first shall be last, and the
last shall be first."

Jesus is the Supplanter, as well as
Plant. He is the branch. All who
believe in him, become infused with
his spirit, and genetic mark of God.

It all begins in Genesis. My brother
thinks he's so smart, believing that
Genesis is such a weak foundation
of Faith. Did he ever learn Genesis
in Hebrew, and read it in his heart?
He was bar-mitzvahed in vain.

He talks about evolution, but, it
doesn't matter whose blood is in
us, if we don't have the bloodline
of Christ? We can't get a pass on
this, even if we literally have some
of the same genes. Without faith,
blood is dirty and diseased.

That's why there is pestilence and
disease in our world today. I'm not
trying to wax Christian Scientist,
but, then again, the Lord is the great

But, diseases are ubiquitous and
fierce, mirroring our spiritual

We've got to get clean. We've got
to wash in the blood of Jesus, to
cure our infirmities and sins.
We've got to drink his blood,
and consume his flesh, every
bite of the Old and New Testament.

We've got to accept his gift,
of salvation, otherwise, we cannot
get back to the Garden. This is
a literal thing.

The Good News of the Apocalypse
is the beginning of New Jerusalem.
This is the Millennium of the Savior,
who comes back to us, after promising
Abraham's descendants, that he

The symbolism is powerful.
Mary was the one who would
fulfill the prophecy of the snake,
who is the unholy and rebellious
demon. By giving birth, to the
Savior, she struck his head.
Christ finished the strange deal,
begun in Genesis.

In the last book of the Bible,
as a bridegroom, he comes back
with New Jerusalem, and becomes
wed with the chosen ones, whoever
bears his witness, through the ages.

This is what we're looking at when
Christ begins to judge the seven.

The fall of man, in the first book,
of the story of mankind, is the
beginning of our species, not
a monkey. We are not monkeys,
and it's an insult to be called one.
In fact, instead of our genes getting
better, and more adaptive, consider
this. Adam and his descendants,
in Genesis lived for 1000 years.
The lifespan of man went back
down to a shocking 70 years,
through disease, and weakened

The last Adam, or the Omega man,
in Jesus, will have the original
constitutions of Adam, according
to the Bible. This is a spectacular
prophecy, begun in Genesis,
and completely fulfilled in Revelation,
through the victory of Jesus over
Abadon, the badass of the universe.
It is he who seeks to destroy our
world. It is he who will poison the
water with wormwood and polonium.

Jesus will bring forth living waters,
which will heal the waters. The Red
Sea will be healed. These are powerful
prophecies that will happen to those
who believe, and will follow him forever.

I want to walk with Jesus in the garden.
I want to rejoice when I think of his
great mercy. We are all unclean. To
have a fountain of grace, from Jerusalem,
water the earth, for the next 1000 years,
seems like a fairy tale to those like my
brother, but, I believe the Bible, all the

We are not evolved, but, devolved.
I can't believe my brother thinks we
come from monkeys. It's really stupid,
in my eyes. We were made in God's
image, like Adam. God is perfect, so
that image is glorious to conceive of.
We should be like Christ, who showed
us how we should be. We should reflect
his face, when we are staring at him.
The more we pray to get to know him,
read and study, asking for wisdom, the
closer we get.

This is the only hope for us, but, what
a glorious promise, to look forward to!
New Jerusalem is the 1000 year sabbath
of man, where the King of Jerusalem,
reigns. This is the Royal Order of Melchizedek,
whose righteous king, is the Lord, himself.
He is the Key of David, and the Holy Lamb
of God, whose blood has redeemed us.

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