Sunday, November 26, 2006

Time for SOAP study

I took a month off blogging. My main blog.... and this study blog.

I believe the LORD told me to start journaling, and maybe he wanted me to
focus on HIM, not Melvin Gibson, and Madonna. So, I am experimenting with

I will provide my own summation of S.O.A.P. discipleship, in a
separate piece. This very powerful tool of discipleship, has fallen to the

Journaling seems so vain. Yet, it is valuable
to know oneself. If you can't love yourself,
as God loves you, then how can you love anyone

SOAP gets the scum to rise, and lets the
SON shine in! It's a way to get clean. The
technique involves spontaneous association,
as a step, and it is valuable to start to
understand and listen for God's own voice,
through the Scriptures, to us, individually.

I know Jesuits do it, and it seems grounded,
to me, as a J4J. It keeps me on the path, and
it helps me to walk with Jesus, every day.
I feel without it, I will not make it, so,
this is an important part of my life, right
now. I am greatful that God is there, when
I need Him.

God show me a way, then the devil won't break
me down. Everyone ...Father, I thank you, for
forgiving me, for Jesus walking for me, dying
for me, and ALL my sins are forgiven.
I'm a healed man, and it's all because of him,
Walk with Him/me.. Jesus Walk With Me-Kanye West

So y'all. You are welcome, but, this study is
about me. It contains wrong answers, sometimes,
so, it's up to every individual soul, to walk
with Jesus, and let him light shine in.

I hope I can commit to every 48 hours, if not
every day. It's hard to see if I can do it
everyday, since, it's a 2-5 hour commitment.

The prayers are always at the end of a study,
and then, the next one begins. I'll label
them 1-1000, as days, not always chronological
24 hour days.

This is the stairway to heaven I see.
May the God of Jacob be on the latter
rung, Let the bells ring, the trumpets
of the Four Winds by the Archangels.
The Angel of the LORD, The Messiah Jesus.
Barak Hashem Adonai. Praise our Creator,
and Savior, The ALpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and end.

Lord, may we walk in new beginnings,
even now, when we walk in a polluted
land. One day, the River of life will
cleanse the land. The Tree of live
will be the tributaries, and may our
branch be grafted back in. In the
Name of God, in the Name of Jesus,
in the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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