Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2 opening thoughts on study

I'm dragging my heels with this study. I've got a spiritual glitch
and I pray for the Spirit to occupy me, so, this entropy will

I know that there are issues in my own life, that keep me from
fellowshipping in the extreme, with my Lord and Savior.
I want to be clean, and perfect. I have not committed any
sins of the flesh, but, it isn't easy to be committed to celibacy
and transcend sexuality. Everywhere we look, sexual imagery,
and sensuality, is applauded and pushed on us. No wonder
we can't live productively for Christ.

It's hard for me to remain focused on positive things, when
I see the Beast rising from the sea, more each day. I have
no doubt that the Beast is Islam, taking over the hearts
and souls of those who reject Jesus Christ, the Savior.

I will not give glory to another God, or call Allah,

I will not apologize for my contempt for this heresy
and tragedy of mankind, and since they are not
shy about wanting to kill every last Christian and
Jew, I will not be tolerant. I will pray for all men
to receive the mark of God, in Jesus, but, all those
who follow Islam, are following after a dark demonic
path to perdition.

This is pretty much laid out in Genesis, and Revelations,
the two books, I'm beginning, in this year's SOAP.

It will be a hard committment to get clean, but, I need

After praying about it, it seems right to start at the
Beginning and the End, so, I start with Book 1, and
Book 66, and then go forward and backward,

The OT is the most moving for me. I still have
some discomfort in the gentile religion, and my
connection to Christ is very Jews 4 Jesus. He
is my Messiah.

I can't worship on Sundays, and call it a Sabbath.
I believe it is wrong to do that. It's not wrong
to worship God on any day, but, Saturday is the
Sabbath. Nothing will change that for me.

In the Book of Revelations, John the Beloved
is now aged, and living in exile, on the isle of
Patmos. He considers the seven churches
in Turkey, which is interesting, since he
has a persepective of them all, from a

The Pope is visiting Turkey soon, and it
was poignant to hear how raggedy the
remaining remnant of the church is

The Church in Turkey was once the leading
force of God's transformation, but, those
days are past. All that remains are the
ruins. That's what the Lord comes to
show John. That's what the Pope will
see when he arrives, too.

Throughout the Middle East, they
have been slaughtering Christians.
Why isn't the world condemning this?

When thousands perish in Darfur, and
Ruwanda, there are plenty of activist
voices wailing, but, the media ignores
the holocaust of the Christians, since
the Muslim Jihad extremists started
swallowing up Christianity, last

These extremists are the Nazis, resurrected.
Make no mistake. They are worse than the
Nazis, and operate under the same demonic
powers, and prinipalities. This is fairly
obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain.

The only way to survive and conquer the
Antichrist, growing strong, and swallowing
up nation, after nation, is to pray.

Jesus is coming back. That's what keeps me

But, it is not easy to remain upbeat when I
am cursed, as well as blessed, with a vision
of great suffering, more than in the history
of mankind. It will be far worse than the
Nazis. The Jihadists have not one drop
of humanity. They will perpetrate the
worst atrocities in human history.

This has to happen, according to prophecies,
found in the Bible, from the Book of Genesis,
to the Book of Revelations.

From the beginning, we are told about the
struggles of man, which would only become
more intense, as history played out. Here
we are, at the final chapter in human history,
and it's a reckoning that is both terrifying
as well as mystically awesome.

I really want to know the Lord, and to walk
with him, all my days. I want to get clean.
I need his direction, and faith.

Oh Lord, please help me to see, to learn, and
to be righteous, in your holy NAME.

I pray that my heart is not broken by observing
the atrocities happening in the world due to
the Islamic beast, rising from the great sea
of man, and taking over the planet. I pray that
I will not be afraid, but, glory in that hope of
salvation. The fact that the demon is visible
in Islam, means that you are behind the
lattice, looking through the windows,
and I will not be afraid. I will trust in the
Lord, all my days.


I hope to begin my actual study, after I read
and meditate on Genesis 1 and Revelation 1.
These are not simple tasks. Just these two
chapters can take a lifetime to learn, to
really learn.

In Genesis, I get so rapped up in the mystery
of the Hebrew language, that it transports me
to other passages, and then to each letter of
every word. The Gematria of the OT is
mystifyingly awesome to me. I pray that I
can get past that though, because, it's always
a snare that becomes too great for my human

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