Thursday, November 09, 2006

I'm relieved and happy that the Democrats prevailed!

I've taken a break from blogging, mainly since you need
time and focus to write, which I don't always have. The
cares of the world, have their precedent.

I was happy the Democrats took over the House, and gained
Senate seats, mainly because our country need a new direction.
Ironically, this does not condemn our President, George W. Bush,
but, is a normal balance.

It was disheartening to hear that Bush's staff had such a low
opinion of Evangelicals, but, no surprise. The Church is a Holy
Mess. By design, so, the Bible tells us so, in the very climactic
paradigm shift, when God turns to the Church, and begins to
issue judgment, in the Book of Revelations.

Here we go.

Homosexuality seems to be a key to understanding this enigma.
I was saddened, but, not surprised, by Haggart's fall from grace.
Along with Republican Foley, they did a job on the right wing.

Oh well. Things were going far too far left, and far too far right.
I think things are now, as they should be.

I am thankful that so many centrist Democrats have up seated the
phony far right Republicans, even if it lost some seats for some
good ones too.

In fact, I may vote for a Democrat, for the first time, next
election, in two years. If we're not blown up, by then, I may
vote for Hillary C. She's not perfect, but, she's still better
than anyone else on the horizon. I hope she doesn't pander to
the far left, like George Bush pandered to the far right.

Our stability, as a nation, depends on being centrist, imo.
The see-saw between liberal and conservative is good. If not,
we'd have a situation, like in the rest of the world, where
hypocritical religious leaders impose their extremes.

A nation under God, can allow God to rule heaven, while Caesar
leads. Render to Caesar, Uncle Sam, whoever, but, God's Kingdom
should always be considered His domain, not ours to claim.

I don't know if I'm even making sense. I don't have time to
edit, or think about it more deeply. I've had a lot on my
plate, and I still rejoice, in the Lord. Everything is perfect,
and even when things stink, personally, I can praise God.

I look forward to New Jerusalem's arrival, as He promised,
so very long ago. I pray we're the generation, which means,
that I don't care what happens to this world, as long as I
know God loves us. He will restore our streams poisoned with
wormwood and plutonium.

He is my only hope, and my one true love.

Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMaschiach. Be with America, as we
face an unimaginable foe, the Great Beast, rising out of
the human sea. This leviathan is fierce, and we cannot
overcome, without your help.

Our Messiah lives America! One day, the hills that are
glorious, will be filled with cities of joy and laughter.
We will be safe, right here, on Earth.

For 1000 years. I pray this is the Day, but, even if
it's not, I pray that God bless America!

God guide the left hand, to stay in the center,
and may America be the apple of your eye.

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