Creationism v. Science
Why was Darwin buried in the great cathedral
in London?
What's it all really mean?
The hardest step in SOAP for me is to ask
to probing questions, like these. Yet, this
is what separates SOAP inductions from
the passive reading of the Bible, or
regurgitation of Scripture.
I had nearly memorized the Bible, yet,
I lacked passion, or life. I had become
puffed up, thinking I knew God.
God does not hesitate to chastise us.
This is for our correction, not destruction.
Last night, my brother, in Christ, and I
we were discussing Genesis and Revelations.
Julian made a profound statement, when
we didn't hold back our fear and quaking
of the Lord of the Universe. Julian said
that the Book of Revelation should fill
us with dread. It is, after all, Judgement
I'm not afraid to question the authorship
of any scripture, because, we need a
discerning view, even with cynicism.
In SOAP, when you doubt, you journal
it. In SOAP, when you question, you
journal it. When you are lost, you confess
I confess, I am often lost. Like this minute.
Yet, I also rejoice in happiness, because,
even if it's my fantasy, I believe the LORD
of Hosts, is coming back with New Jerusalem!
Halleluyah. Somewhere in Turkey towards
Iraq.... there's a place where the Euphrates
and Tigris meet. Halleluyah, for the grace.
The Cherubims, with flaming swords,
are coming. This time they're coming
back, to lead us IN!
Oh Lord, how wondrous are thy mercies.
How can I mourn, or dread such a wonderful
I am filled with excitement. I feel like a bride
on the last evening of her betrothment.
You will marry us. You will create a new
world for us. We will live for 1000 years,
like Adam, and his sons.
Then, we will be part of your host.
What an inexplicable event. You
created Adam, in your image, and
here we are, faced with The Omega.
I need to pray about this. I am filled
with awe picturing the glory. I feel
guilty, for trying to see some holy
things, like my presence would
profane it.
Repentance is a turning around.
Sometimes, to get clean, it takes
a whole LOTta purging.
Help us LORD! Help me Jesus.
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