Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Apocolypse
comes to her betrothed, and he lifts her veil, as
he takes her for his wife.
The Apocolypse is interpretted as "lifting a
veil." Solomon's Temple, was constructed
with a veil over the Holiest Holy of Holies.
This was where the holy ark of the covenant
rested. It was where the shakiyna presence
of the Lord was seen.
So, Apocolypse in one regard is life changing.
Just like a bride leaves her childhood home,
to go with her husband, and his people, we
are given notice of the Lord, coming back.
We have every reason to tremble, like a
bride, because, Christ promised a future
with his people, that sounds too good to
be true.
I'm willing to put all my hopes on it, though.
I've had people get mad at me for thinking
of the Apocolypse as a Wedding Feast,
and a new beginning. People don't want
the Lord to come back, not yet. They are
too busy playing with money, sex, and
other things. I'm not saying I'm any better
than anyone, but, I'm trying to be the
best I can.
It's hard to stay clean, spiritually,
and to stay focused. I want the Lord
so much, and I am a little afraid, inspite
of my great expectations. It's the fear
of the unknown.
That's the purpose of John's Revelation, I
think. It's meant to stir our senses, and
wake us up. It's never too late, until it's
all done, or after you've gotten the mark
of the beast.
That's why God comes back to Turkey,
to John the Beloved, and sees the completion of
Christianity, within those 7 churches,
with 7 angels, with 7 spirits, which
lead directly to the white throne.
This is Judgement Day. This is meant for
believers, not non-believers. The non-believers
don't even know it's happening!
Lord God, help us to see.
The Lord compares himself to a bridegroom.
This is prophecy, lining up nicely with
Solomon's "Song of Solomon."
In the OT, God considers Israel, his wife,
In Hosea, (Same name as
Hebrew) God parrallels his marriage to
Jerusalem, to Hosea's own personal life.
God tells him to pick out a prostitute and
marry her. Then he has Hosea experience
the way God feels when we stray from his
ways, to taste evil, just because they are
bad, and forbidden.
This is our experience, as well. No matter how
much we try to be good people, in our own limited
ways, we cannot justify ourselves to God, by those
deeds alone. The Prophet Hosea marries a temple
prostitute, and this was how God saw the faithful
in Israel, who were going after other false idols.
Apocolypse is the end of one world, and the
beginning of an eternal life, as the bride of
God, so to speak. After 1000 years of walking
with him, we go with him into whatever he
does. This is an astounding promise.
SOAP Genesis

Along with Scripture, ask questions.
Be objective. Be critical. Ask probing
details. Ask with faith.
Observe the various applications in
each verse of Scripture. There is
a broader outlook.
King David and King Solomon, for
instance, become the templates for
Jesus Christ. Appropriately so, since
he was their heir.
Mary and Joseph were both of the royal
seed of Judah.
More importantly, these are the ancestors
of Adam and Eve. We can feel the same
connection. All of us are a hybrid of those
original perfect genes.
If Adam was created, as a clone of the Lord,
physically, then the last Adam, Jesus Christ,
is the final author of our faith.
Was it Jesus who walked in the Garden?
Of course, it had to BE~! There's only
one Lord, in a physical manifestation.
Our Lord, is Jesus Christ, the First
and Last.
Who wrote Genesis? Where is the Garden of Eden? What is the literal meaning? Why is the Gematria essential?

Creationism v. Science
Why was Darwin buried in the great cathedral
in London?
What's it all really mean?
The hardest step in SOAP for me is to ask
to probing questions, like these. Yet, this
is what separates SOAP inductions from
the passive reading of the Bible, or
regurgitation of Scripture.
I had nearly memorized the Bible, yet,
I lacked passion, or life. I had become
puffed up, thinking I knew God.
God does not hesitate to chastise us.
This is for our correction, not destruction.
Last night, my brother, in Christ, and I
we were discussing Genesis and Revelations.
Julian made a profound statement, when
we didn't hold back our fear and quaking
of the Lord of the Universe. Julian said
that the Book of Revelation should fill
us with dread. It is, after all, Judgement
I'm not afraid to question the authorship
of any scripture, because, we need a
discerning view, even with cynicism.
In SOAP, when you doubt, you journal
it. In SOAP, when you question, you
journal it. When you are lost, you confess
I confess, I am often lost. Like this minute.
Yet, I also rejoice in happiness, because,
even if it's my fantasy, I believe the LORD
of Hosts, is coming back with New Jerusalem!
Halleluyah. Somewhere in Turkey towards
Iraq.... there's a place where the Euphrates
and Tigris meet. Halleluyah, for the grace.
The Cherubims, with flaming swords,
are coming. This time they're coming
back, to lead us IN!
Oh Lord, how wondrous are thy mercies.
How can I mourn, or dread such a wonderful
I am filled with excitement. I feel like a bride
on the last evening of her betrothment.
You will marry us. You will create a new
world for us. We will live for 1000 years,
like Adam, and his sons.
Then, we will be part of your host.
What an inexplicable event. You
created Adam, in your image, and
here we are, faced with The Omega.
I need to pray about this. I am filled
with awe picturing the glory. I feel
guilty, for trying to see some holy
things, like my presence would
profane it.
Repentance is a turning around.
Sometimes, to get clean, it takes
a whole LOTta purging.
Help us LORD! Help me Jesus.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. | |
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. | |
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.![]() | |
And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. | |
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.![]() | |
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. | |
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so. | |
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. | |
And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry [land] appear: and it was so. | |
And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that [it was] good.![]() | |
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. | |
And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good. | |
And the evening and the morning were the third day. | |
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: | |
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. | |
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also. | |
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, | |
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good. | |
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.![]() | |
And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. | |
And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good. | |
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. | |
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. | |
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. | |
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.![]() | |
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. | |
So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. | |
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.![]() | |
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. | |
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so. | |
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.![]() GARDEN OF EDEN The garden of Eden Genesis 2:8-17; 3:23,24; 4:16; Isaiah 51:3; Ezekiel 28:13; 31:9,16,18; 36:35; Joel 2:3 |
Infiltration of the Seven Churches
dedicated to pull up sapling plants, as the
blood of Christ caused the vine to grow,
from Jerusalem, through Asia Minor,
to Greece, Rome and Europe.
Here's an interesting study on the
fall of each literal church. It provides
insight into why the Church, the
corporate body, is in such desperate
shape today.
The Judgment of the Seven Churches
due to their apostasy and unfaithfulness
2- On approaching the depths of all being-
me. Prophecy becomes alive. I can see through time.
That sounds boastful, but, it's the truth, when I get
caught up in the Spirit.
Going back to revisit Turkey, where today, the
Pope visits amongst great consternation, makes
me realize that we have to confess to seeing prophetic
events, and confess that we are seeing Angels, in
different experiences. We need to accept the Prophecies,
which are now being fulfilled by world events, and
visitation by the Holy Ghost.
We are so blessed to be living in these times.
But, the paradox is that we are facing Judgment Day.
Judgment begins in the House of God.
The Church is where Christ begins to
issue judgment.
Just like the Roman provincial governors
and prosecutors, would go to Asia minor,
and investigate the cities of faith, for
signs they were being Christianized,
(Their term for the new Judao-Pagan
disciples of the First Century in Turkey,)
Christ comes to issue judgment in the
same clockwise semi-circle of the 7
The symbolisms in Revelation are
powerful, in English, and potentially
overwhelming, in the ruff of ancient
Greek. The ancient languages bring
the most layers of rewards.
The Book of Revelation adapts well
to Shakespearean English. While
Shakespeare may have contributed
to the Old Testament, and Psalms,
like Ps. 46, the translated Greek is
King James', lined up with a linear
Greek text, is very consistent, in
both languages. This is important
because it's all about prophecy.
What is even more amazing, is that
the NT, in Greek, is a perfect companion,
in every way, to the OT. That's why the
most mystical work by an Apostle, was
by John, the Beloved. It's poignant to
consider the love between this boy and Christ.
By becoming Mary's son, after the crucifixion,
he plays an important role in history.
John becomes caught up in the same
experience as Daniel, Zechariah, and
the others who saw the same events,
in their day. That event doesn't take
place in our perceptible "time."
It happens outside of time, in
Heaven, where God lives.
It's a different parrallel realm.
First Christ is taking John on a
strange expedition. It was like
Ezekiel's visions, and out of body
experiences. John reiterates what
Ezekiel wrote about, and with greater
understanding. Ezekiel didn't have
the Messiah yet.
I'm going to go back to reading and
feeling Rev. 1.
Paradox after paradox. Layering of time
and space, into discernable transparent
layers, one on top of another one. Wheels
within wheels. Every image of righteousness
displayed blatantly.
The Book of Revelations is like a holy
LSD trip, in a way. I guess that sounds
blasphemous, but, in a way, that's the
only way to grab hold of it. Events are
juxtaposed on our times, not in order,
but, also, not one at a time, but,
simultaneously.; I can't explain it any
better than that.
Disclaimer: These are my most extreme
views. In SOAP inductive studies, it's
usually encouraged to discuss the most
mystical things. If they're not real, they
fall away.

Temple of Artemis, and History at British Museum

More on Ephesus

All that's left of the great Temple,
one of the 7 wonders of the world,
is this lone pillar.
Patmos and John

This is the isle of Patmos's attraction, called "Cave of Revelation."
It's supposed to be the site of John's visitation and prophecy.
From this locale, really off of Greece, facing Turkey's
western states, he was positioned to receive evaluation
and prophecy, of these seven specific churches,
which became a metaphor for the church ages,
to follow, and even denominations, up until the
time when the fulfillment of the Gentiles is
This has happened. The fact that the world
is not only falling away from Christ, but,
persecuting Christians is a huge sign.
The hatred for the Pope visiting Turkey,
is a sign.
Here are the seven churches:
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea."
The seven churches (Revelation chapters 2 and 3), located in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea, were listed in their geographical order along an ancient triangular highway route in what is today eastern Turkey, touching on The Aegean Sea. The island of Patmos was just off the coast.
Beginning at Ephesus, it was about 100 miles (160 kilometers) north through Smyrna, up to Pergamum, and then about another 100 miles back southeast through Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, to Laodicea, which was about 100 miles east of Ephesus.
2- TURKEY old and new
Doorway to Heaven- Era of the GENTILES!
Jesus establishes the Church in the Nations,
more specifically, represented by the huge
conversion, in the First Century.
Pope Benedict, is visiting Turkey,
and there is less than 1% remaining
who are not Islamic.
This is a huge key to prophecy, as
I would assume the Pope sees.
Christianity is a crime in more
and more Islamic states. Christians
are being beheaded for our faith.
Overview of the Seven Churches"
(1) Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7) - the church that had forsaken its first love (2:4).
(2) Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) - the church that would suffer persecution (2:10).
(3) Pergamum (Revelation 2:12-17) - the church that needed to repent (2:16).
(4) Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29) - the church who had a false prophetess (2:20).
(5) Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6) - the church that had fallen asleep (3:2).
(6) Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) - the church that had endured patiently (3:10).
(7) Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) - the church with the lukewarm faith (3:16).
- Ephesus--the Church of the first-love, the apostolic Church
- Smyrna--the persecuted Church--Diocletian to Constantine
- Pergamos--the Church under imperial favor--under Constantine
- Thyatira--the papal Church--the Dark Ages
- Sardis--the Reformation Church--protestantism, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
- Philadelphia--the missionary Church--period ushered in by the Puritan movement
- Laodicea--the rejected Church--Church of the final apostasy"
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified [it] by his angel unto his servant John: The Angel of the Lord, resumes his preincarnated pre-eminance, and returns to his dear servant, John. The few images we have of John, in the Scriptures, are endearing. The honored place at the right hand, next to Jesus, at the Last Supper, and his presence at the cruicixion, with the 3 Marys. It is endearing to understand that John was given Mary, as a mother, by Jesus, on the cross. Mary went with John to Turkey, and that's where the 7 churches were founded. Mary lived in Ephesus, which honored the patroness, Diana. It is a divine IRONY. Mary passed away in Turkey, not the Holy Land. John's last witness, was in Turkey, on the isle of Patmos. Jesus comes to John, not as the master of his youth, but, as the messenger, Angel of the Lord. He is then called "Lamb of God." He is named, The Alpha and Omega. This is the beginning of man's redemption, on the face of world condemnation. From the ashes of the old world, a new one is about to begin. | |
Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Fact Finder: What is the origin of the Book of Revelation? (a) from John to us (b) from Jesus Christ to John to us (c) from God to Jesus Christ to John to us Revelation 1:1 | |

2- More opening thoughts and journaling Rev. 1 and Gen 1
Each time is different for me. It's like learning a
new song, on guitar. You reach the part of the
once difficult task, now being part of your muscle
memory. I have a pretty good photographic memory,
although, it's not instanteously set, as in geniuses.
I am a genius, only with endless repetition, contemplation,
and regurgitation, through writing scriptures out, and
memorizing them. During my late teens, and twenties,
I was obsessed with memorizing books of the Bible.
By my 30's, I was married to a man who didn't
believe in Jesus. As a Jew, he made my family
happy, and his family, for finding a Jew to marry.
However, when they found out I was a Jew 4 Jesus,
they were offended. They never liked me after that,
only for loving Jesus Christ.
Jews 4 Jesus is misunderstood. It's labelled a cult,
and if it is, what religion isn't a cult, in some form?
Jews 4 Jesus was a blessing to me, and millions of
others, Jew, and non-Jew alike. First Century
Christianity became imbedded in it's fresh approach
to the New Testament, as the OT fulfilled.
The most compelling NT book to me, was Revelation.
My awe for the events in the book, startled me, and
made me seek reconciliation with the God of my
Since then, I've drifted in and out of daily discipline.
When I'm with non-believers, it's hard to keep my
faith alive. That's why we are exhorted to maintain
fellowship in the Church.
The problem with this is, that too many churches are
dead, as dead as those seven churches in Turkey.
The history of Christianity, defines the history of
Western Civilization! My favorite historical study
is this topic. They were my favorite courses, in college
and my profs. and teachers, encouraged me to
go all the way, and become a history teacher. I
love history, and the study of civilization. I
wanted to be some kind of archeologist/anthropologist..
but, I guess I wasn't focused enough. My energy
was spent on the Bible, in my late teens and early
20s. I was the quintessential Jesus Freak, in the
The era that brought Jesus to millions of young
and old Jews, also brought a wave of Messianic
fervor, throughout the faithful. The Evangelical
movement had shots in the arm from celebrities.
For us, Bob Dylan was our validation. Keith
Green was like King David, the psalmist to us.
We had no doubt, back in the 1980s, that
we were to be the generation that sees Jesus
coming back. We had reason to come to that
conclusion. The events of the Bible were coming
to life. The horns were blowing.
In the 1990s, even with Desert Storm, there
was a falling away. I missed the fervor of the
80s, and I couldn't find a fellowship in Christ.
For a while, I went to Baptist studies, but,
when they took it upon their mission, to
persecute gays, I had to leave.
I am happiest when I am grounded by Bible
study and prayer. It's my drug of choice.
When I know God's Plan is perfect, and when
I understand that Christ died for our sins,
then, I feel confident.
Genesis is the beginning, but, is it?
From the beggining, there was a fall,
and then the struggle of the children
of Adam and Eve. The Cherubim,
with flaming swords, guarded the
garden gate, and we were then
spawned, in the wilderness of the
world, locked out of Paradise.
Revelation is the end, or is it?
It records the close of the wilderness
of the world, but, the marriage of
the blue orb we live on, with the
bride of heaven, "New Jerusalem."
New Jerusalem, is a real place.
Like a UFO, it will arrive, as promised.
Every eye will see this.
The Cherubim, who guard the way,
will be back. But, most importantly,
the LORD, who walked in the garden,
with Adam and Eve, is coming back
to dwell again with man.
With the Lord, the saints will be
marching back in, as we sing...
The slain for Christ, will be
Jerusalem, as a mortal holy city,
is the place where New Jerusalem
is seated. The design of the city
and temple are foretold in the
Book of Ezekiel.
The great Prophets, of the OT,
are rivisited, by John's revelation.
Every image he saw, was validated
by the prophecies of the Major
and Minor Prophets.
In Genesis, man is created, and
sent on a path of discovery, and grace,
in the descendents of Adam, and then
each branch of descendency, from the
founding fathers of our faith.
Early, Ishmael, son of Abraham,
and his mother, were sent into
the wilderness, to appease Sarah,
the mother of Isaac. Ishmael became
12 princes, or people, the same as
Jacob, had 12 princes too.
Did the God of Abraham favor one
over the other, like he seems to have
done, with Cain and Abel, when he
prefers Abel's blood sacrifice, and
savoury barbecue?
Does God favor one group over another?
Isn't it more like God sees the hearts,
and will favor those who do his will.
When God covered Adam and Eve in
skins, it was at the expense of an
animal's life. That's the core of
the blood sacrifice, as a proxy,
and propitiation of sin.
Because of our sins, pride,
and rebellion, did death become
an enemy of our existences.
Even the most innocent
creatures, the animals,
must suffer for our sins.
In the movie, "Schindler's
List," the commandant punishes
a prisoner, by lining up all the
others, and shooting every other
person. The guilty party had
to live with that.
This is what a blood sacrifice
is supposed to invoke in us,
a deeper empathetic responce.
How many parents would take
their child's place, in their suffering?
I'd rather suffer, than see my
sins cause others to suffer.
Did Ken Lay feel that way when
he ruined tens of thousands of
lives? A sociopathic mind,
devoid of God, will justify
their sins, even if others pay
the price.
In Revelations, there is a
sign of the suffering for sin,
in the victorious Jesus,
who comes back to the
church, as the LAMB of GOD.
This is the ram, caught in the
thickets, that took the place
of Abraham's son. Because
God provided a proxy, in
Jesus Christ, we are passed
over, by the Angel of Death.
Jesus Christ paid for our sins,
and overcame death. As the
firstborn of the dead, he is
glorified, beyond our comprehension.
His arrival, with New Jerusalem,
our new home, for the next 1000 years,
seems beyond Sci Fi, yet, it's real.
It will be like a close encounter, only
beyond the scale of what a mere
extraterrestial visit will be.
This is the key to the eternal realm.
This is the way back to the garden,
and to the exciting star-trekkian
glory of the real Angels.
We can't really comprehend these
things, without sci-fi references,
but, Star Wars, is a pale pale
satire of what really is true,
in this Universe that is teeming
with living things.
Angels are the ultimate living
things, because they have no
death, at all. Death is swallowed
up in victory, for the victorious
in Revelation.
I want to be in that number!
I'm not at the stage of the Hebrew,
or Greek, in these passages. The
opening study of Gen.1, and Rev. 1,
are very encompassing. I could
probably write about it for 10
years straight. My challenge is
to not get hung up. You can
cross-reference the entire
Bible on these scriptures.
God, I love GOD!
Thank you heavenly Father,
in the Name of Jesus, The
First and Last, Alpha and
Omega, alef and tav.
I praise your name,
ineffibly HOLY HOLY HOLY!
I pray for wisdom, dear Lord.
I pray for your children, of
every faith, nationality, and
race. We are all your creation,
who yearn to love you.
Save the lost souls of the
Islamic monster, risen from
the vast sea. Let them see
your kindness and set free
from slavery.
I pray that the slave-makers
of Islam are confounded by
the sight of your glory. I pray
that all those who seek God
will find you, in perfect peace,
brotherhood, and joy.
I pray that you do not tarry
but, hurry. I long to see you
and I long to see New Jerusalem
coming out from the mysterious
depths of heaven.
I long for your beauty.
I long for your righteousness.
I long for freedom from this
world, which subjugates women,
children and the innocent.
How long will it be, O Lamb of Zion,
until you recompense the blood of
the Saints, and the slain Jews of the
holocaust and Israel? How long until you chain
that beast, who once was Hitler, but,
now controls a vast empire sworn to
kill your seed?
SAVE US, Lamb of Zion, Lamb of God,
for only you can, and you will avenge
the blood of our families and friends.
I pray that you open up prophecy,
and that I understand your deeper
In the Name of God, in the Name of
Hashem, In the Name of Jesus. Amen
2 Inductive Studies
The more you know, the more questions there
I could spew out the definition, or techniques
of inductive reasoning, or SOAP, the Biblical
method of learning and self-examination.
Instead, I'll break it down, without the
strict order, of it's components.
After studying a group of Scriptures,
you begin to not only receive essential
information, which inspires greater
answers. Knowledge, wisdom, and
curiosity, are three elements of the
This isn't just understanding the mystical language
of God, seen as fiery letters of righteousness, against
two slabs of stone. This is a mentorship, between
each individual mind, and the Holy Spirit.
Not all scripture has a bite for me. Or
at one day, a scripture will pop out, when
another time, it will have a different, or
deeper meaning.
When I react to a scripture, it is essential to
journal, then reflect away from it. Sometimes,
we are rewarded by a message, or revelation,
of a personal nature. It takes a brave person
to journal that, honestly. We don't want to
appear like , or think that we're Prophets,
or Apostles of Jesus, yet , we are told to
consider ourselves Royal Priests, in the
Order of Melchizadek. That is a burdensome
crown of thorns to wear.
It's an amazing contrast, when doing Genesis
and Revelations, together, in a SOAP.
It is humbling to know we were patched
together out of biological carbon building
blocks, the same as cockroaches. It is
humbling that the First family, aka, "Adam
and Eve," were a mess.
The first thing Adam does when God gives
him Eve, was to not teach her not to eat
of the tree of God, as commanded. When
tempted, she ate, and then Adam blamed
it on her. From that point on, their family
was doomed. Since, they are considered the
template in the mainframe matrix, we are
recognizably cursed.
Adam and Eve's kids were not the best.
Cain killed Abel. He was not his brother's
keeper. He hated him for being a meat
eater, when he was a vegetarian. By
killing him, did he think of him, as meat?
Now, I'm just guessing Cain was a vegan.
Whether it was that, or that God was so
pleased when Abel cooked him some
barbecue, that Cain's pretty, but, bitter
salads and vegies, seemed like side dishes.
It's so amazing to see Christ, in the Angel
of the Lord, who still visited mankind,
outside the Garden of Paradise. The
Pre-incarnate Christ becomes more and
more recognizable, t o me, as I study the
Angel of the Lord, and Jesus Christ,
as man, then resurrected, the Firstborn
of the Dead.
I will edit this later, with links and pics.
Every one of our paths, and even our insights,
are personally our own. It's an important
principle in freeing our minds, and not feeling
guilt for our beliefs. My relationship with Christ
is different than yours. We can't compare ourselves
to others. God feels we are all equal in heaven, and
even the worst sinner, can rise to the greatest
saint. Look at the Apostle Paul. Peter, and the
others were also mortal, with struggles, like
we have.
It's hard to be true to our beliefs, my beliefs.
It's hard to journal studies, and I've never
done it before on the INternet. While I think
it will lay dormant in the archives, it could
possibly be read. Maybe my friends will read it.
I just want anyone who reads it, to know, this
study is my views, from my level of understanding,
to God's Holy Spirit, being present, which isn't always
the case... probably not too much. Yet, it invites
the Holy Spirit to speak to us, individually.
Maybe something I'm going through, or what
I see in the studies, will resonate with someone else.
I hope that's the case... But, my friends know that
I don't shove my religion on others...
Also, I'd like to think I will edit this later.
Editing takes more time than study, so,
my editing will probably be pitiful. Excuse,
my poor excuse for a literary style.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
2 opening thoughts on study
and I pray for the Spirit to occupy me, so, this entropy will
I know that there are issues in my own life, that keep me from
fellowshipping in the extreme, with my Lord and Savior.
I want to be clean, and perfect. I have not committed any
sins of the flesh, but, it isn't easy to be committed to celibacy
and transcend sexuality. Everywhere we look, sexual imagery,
and sensuality, is applauded and pushed on us. No wonder
we can't live productively for Christ.
It's hard for me to remain focused on positive things, when
I see the Beast rising from the sea, more each day. I have
no doubt that the Beast is Islam, taking over the hearts
and souls of those who reject Jesus Christ, the Savior.
I will not give glory to another God, or call Allah,
I will not apologize for my contempt for this heresy
and tragedy of mankind, and since they are not
shy about wanting to kill every last Christian and
Jew, I will not be tolerant. I will pray for all men
to receive the mark of God, in Jesus, but, all those
who follow Islam, are following after a dark demonic
path to perdition.
This is pretty much laid out in Genesis, and Revelations,
the two books, I'm beginning, in this year's SOAP.
It will be a hard committment to get clean, but, I need
After praying about it, it seems right to start at the
Beginning and the End, so, I start with Book 1, and
Book 66, and then go forward and backward,
The OT is the most moving for me. I still have
some discomfort in the gentile religion, and my
connection to Christ is very Jews 4 Jesus. He
is my Messiah.
I can't worship on Sundays, and call it a Sabbath.
I believe it is wrong to do that. It's not wrong
to worship God on any day, but, Saturday is the
Sabbath. Nothing will change that for me.
In the Book of Revelations, John the Beloved
is now aged, and living in exile, on the isle of
Patmos. He considers the seven churches
in Turkey, which is interesting, since he
has a persepective of them all, from a
The Pope is visiting Turkey soon, and it
was poignant to hear how raggedy the
remaining remnant of the church is
The Church in Turkey was once the leading
force of God's transformation, but, those
days are past. All that remains are the
ruins. That's what the Lord comes to
show John. That's what the Pope will
see when he arrives, too.
Throughout the Middle East, they
have been slaughtering Christians.
Why isn't the world condemning this?
When thousands perish in Darfur, and
Ruwanda, there are plenty of activist
voices wailing, but, the media ignores
the holocaust of the Christians, since
the Muslim Jihad extremists started
swallowing up Christianity, last
These extremists are the Nazis, resurrected.
Make no mistake. They are worse than the
Nazis, and operate under the same demonic
powers, and prinipalities. This is fairly
obvious to anyone with eyes and a brain.
The only way to survive and conquer the
Antichrist, growing strong, and swallowing
up nation, after nation, is to pray.
Jesus is coming back. That's what keeps me
But, it is not easy to remain upbeat when I
am cursed, as well as blessed, with a vision
of great suffering, more than in the history
of mankind. It will be far worse than the
Nazis. The Jihadists have not one drop
of humanity. They will perpetrate the
worst atrocities in human history.
This has to happen, according to prophecies,
found in the Bible, from the Book of Genesis,
to the Book of Revelations.
From the beginning, we are told about the
struggles of man, which would only become
more intense, as history played out. Here
we are, at the final chapter in human history,
and it's a reckoning that is both terrifying
as well as mystically awesome.
I really want to know the Lord, and to walk
with him, all my days. I want to get clean.
I need his direction, and faith.
Oh Lord, please help me to see, to learn, and
to be righteous, in your holy NAME.
I pray that my heart is not broken by observing
the atrocities happening in the world due to
the Islamic beast, rising from the great sea
of man, and taking over the planet. I pray that
I will not be afraid, but, glory in that hope of
salvation. The fact that the demon is visible
in Islam, means that you are behind the
lattice, looking through the windows,
and I will not be afraid. I will trust in the
Lord, all my days.
I hope to begin my actual study, after I read
and meditate on Genesis 1 and Revelation 1.
These are not simple tasks. Just these two
chapters can take a lifetime to learn, to
really learn.
In Genesis, I get so rapped up in the mystery
of the Hebrew language, that it transports me
to other passages, and then to each letter of
every word. The Gematria of the OT is
mystifyingly awesome to me. I pray that I
can get past that though, because, it's always
a snare that becomes too great for my human
Monday, November 27, 2006
B're'shiyth= Beginnings
This is the beginning of all understanding. This is the beginning
of life, and existence, in our universe.
Lord God, King of the Universe, the Beginning and the End,
the Alpha and Omega, the Alef and Tav. I pray for wisdom,
to gain insight, and to walk in righteousness after your WORD,
and your WAY.
Lord, I pray that you are merciful to all those who call upon
your NAME, and who desire peace.
Elohiym {el-o-heem'} is the first name of God in Gen. 1:1.
Elohiym is plural, establishing the Godhead in the HOLY
¶ | In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Time for SOAP study
I believe the LORD told me to start journaling, and maybe he wanted me to
focus on HIM, not Melvin Gibson, and Madonna. So, I am experimenting with
I will provide my own summation of S.O.A.P. discipleship, in a
separate piece. This very powerful tool of discipleship, has fallen to the
Journaling seems so vain. Yet, it is valuable
to know oneself. If you can't love yourself,
as God loves you, then how can you love anyone
SOAP gets the scum to rise, and lets the
SON shine in! It's a way to get clean. The
technique involves spontaneous association,
as a step, and it is valuable to start to
understand and listen for God's own voice,
through the Scriptures, to us, individually.
I know Jesuits do it, and it seems grounded,
to me, as a J4J. It keeps me on the path, and
it helps me to walk with Jesus, every day.
I feel without it, I will not make it, so,
this is an important part of my life, right
now. I am greatful that God is there, when
I need Him.
God show me a way, then the devil won't break
me down. Everyone ...Father, I thank you, for
forgiving me, for Jesus walking for me, dying
for me, and ALL my sins are forgiven.
I'm a healed man, and it's all because of him,
Walk with Him/me.. Jesus Walk With Me-Kanye West
So y'all. You are welcome, but, this study is
about me. It contains wrong answers, sometimes,
so, it's up to every individual soul, to walk
with Jesus, and let him light shine in.
I hope I can commit to every 48 hours, if not
every day. It's hard to see if I can do it
everyday, since, it's a 2-5 hour commitment.
The prayers are always at the end of a study,
and then, the next one begins. I'll label
them 1-1000, as days, not always chronological
24 hour days.
This is the stairway to heaven I see.
May the God of Jacob be on the latter
rung, Let the bells ring, the trumpets
of the Four Winds by the Archangels.
The Angel of the LORD, The Messiah Jesus.
Barak Hashem Adonai. Praise our Creator,
and Savior, The ALpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and end.
Lord, may we walk in new beginnings,
even now, when we walk in a polluted
land. One day, the River of life will
cleanse the land. The Tree of live
will be the tributaries, and may our
branch be grafted back in. In the
Name of God, in the Name of Jesus,
in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I'm relieved and happy that the Democrats prevailed!
time and focus to write, which I don't always have. The
cares of the world, have their precedent.
I was happy the Democrats took over the House, and gained
Senate seats, mainly because our country need a new direction.
Ironically, this does not condemn our President, George W. Bush,
but, is a normal balance.
It was disheartening to hear that Bush's staff had such a low
opinion of Evangelicals, but, no surprise. The Church is a Holy
Mess. By design, so, the Bible tells us so, in the very climactic
paradigm shift, when God turns to the Church, and begins to
issue judgment, in the Book of Revelations.
Here we go.
Homosexuality seems to be a key to understanding this enigma.
I was saddened, but, not surprised, by Haggart's fall from grace.
Along with Republican Foley, they did a job on the right wing.
Oh well. Things were going far too far left, and far too far right.
I think things are now, as they should be.
I am thankful that so many centrist Democrats have up seated the
phony far right Republicans, even if it lost some seats for some
good ones too.
In fact, I may vote for a Democrat, for the first time, next
election, in two years. If we're not blown up, by then, I may
vote for Hillary C. She's not perfect, but, she's still better
than anyone else on the horizon. I hope she doesn't pander to
the far left, like George Bush pandered to the far right.
Our stability, as a nation, depends on being centrist, imo.
The see-saw between liberal and conservative is good. If not,
we'd have a situation, like in the rest of the world, where
hypocritical religious leaders impose their extremes.
A nation under God, can allow God to rule heaven, while Caesar
leads. Render to Caesar, Uncle Sam, whoever, but, God's Kingdom
should always be considered His domain, not ours to claim.
I don't know if I'm even making sense. I don't have time to
edit, or think about it more deeply. I've had a lot on my
plate, and I still rejoice, in the Lord. Everything is perfect,
and even when things stink, personally, I can praise God.
I look forward to New Jerusalem's arrival, as He promised,
so very long ago. I pray we're the generation, which means,
that I don't care what happens to this world, as long as I
know God loves us. He will restore our streams poisoned with
wormwood and plutonium.
He is my only hope, and my one true love.
Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMaschiach. Be with America, as we
face an unimaginable foe, the Great Beast, rising out of
the human sea. This leviathan is fierce, and we cannot
overcome, without your help.
Our Messiah lives America! One day, the hills that are
glorious, will be filled with cities of joy and laughter.
We will be safe, right here, on Earth.
For 1000 years. I pray this is the Day, but, even if
it's not, I pray that God bless America!
God guide the left hand, to stay in the center,
and may America be the apple of your eye.